WordPress 6.6 “Dorsey”

Say hello to the latest WordPress! WordPress 6.6 “Dorsey” is here to deliver on the promise of a better web with style, finesse, and a suite of enhanced tools to create beautifully cohe…

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What’s new in Gutenberg 18.7? (03 July)

“What’s new in Gutenberg…” posts (labeled with the #gutenberg-new tag) are posted following every Gutenberg release on a biweekly basis, showcasing new features included in each release. As a remin…

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A welcoming community that embraces authenticity – 本物らしさを受け入れる温かいコミュニティ

Ben Evans writes about how his love of information ethics lead him to WordPress, which then lead him to Open Source Community.

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Highlighting Blogging on Mastodon

Matthias Ott is an independent user experience designer and developer from Stuttgart, Germany. Besides design practice he teaches Interface Prototyping at the Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Kiel.

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WordPress Has A Rookie Problem

Explore why WordPress struggles to attract younger users amidst platform-driven competition like TikTok, Notion and Wix. Ownership matters.

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Tips for the Single WordPress Plugin Builder

Learn some great tips if you run or plan on running your WordPress plugin shop singlehandedly.

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Let’s talk about a bad user experience (WooCommerce feature compatibility)

Today when I logged in to my local test site I saw a scary warning across every admin page. WooCommerce has detected that some of your active plugins are incompatible with currently enabled WooCommerce features. Please review the details. I clicked the link and I’m presented with a list of plugins…

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CMS Market share measured “right”

Today, I’m introducing a new CMS market share report on this site based on the HTTP Archive’s dataset. This report will be updated – automatically – every month. It doesn’t just contain CMSes; it also contains the most popular eCommerce platforms, WordPress page builders, and SEO plugins.

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WordPress 6.6 RC2

WordPress 6.6 RC2 is ready for download and testing! This version of the WordPress software is under development. Please do not install, run, or test this version of WordPress on production or miss…

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Detect Missing Ad-blocker WordPress plugin

Provide a more secure experience to your website’s visitors.

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Building Empathy with Stakeholders to Drive Accessibility with Simon Miner

Simon Miner discussed the critical importance of empathy in advocating for accessibility and building better initiatives.

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GitHub Actions to create and deploy plugins/themes

When creating plugins or themes, you often need build assets and/or deploy it to somewhere else, e.g. to the WordPress.org plugin repository.

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How to view details of image variants in WordPress?

Click ‘View Variants’ button to show a modal with all the listed variants of an image. Details include, full URL, file name, and file size.

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Design Share 59 (Jun 17-Jun 28)

If you have updates you’d like to include in the next Design Share, drop a note in the #design channel. If you have questions, you can also ask them there, or as a comment on this post.

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Password Reset Required for Plugin Authors

As a follow-up on the Andrew Wilder (NerdPress) and Chloe Chamberland (WordFence) reports that uncovered a limited number of compromised plugins, the Plugin Review team would like to provide more d…

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Editing custom fields from connected blocks

WordPress 6.5 introduced the Block Bindings API, which, among other things, allows users to easily connect blocks to custom fields. For example, users can directly connect paragraph content without…

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Business Roundup Week Ending June 28

A Final Goodbye to Google Universal Analytics, Claude 3.5 Sonnet Raises the AI Bar, Google Dials Back (Poor) AI Search Overviews, and More!

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Google Ads WordPress Conversion Google Tag Code

Google seems to be rolling out new WordPress specific conversion code for Google Ads. This seems like a Google Tag code with easier set up for WordPress sites.

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Addressing Overlapping Initiatives and Improving Collaboration Across Teams – Team Updates

A meeting was convened to address the overlapping initiatives among various WordPress contributor groups and explore ways to enhance collaboration and streamline efforts. The primary goal was to av…

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My June in WordPress

This post is coming a few days earlier than normal, but I’m planning to take off most of the next two weeks for some R&R. During June, my primary focus was on WordCamp Europe and the release of both 6.5.4 and 6.5.5. Doing two releases meant that my hours went way up compared to May. […]

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How to Write an Effective RFP for Hiring a WordPress Developer

The team at WebDevStudios understands the importance and challenges of creating a request for proposal (RFP) when hiring a WordPress website developer.

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New Credit Card Skimmer Targets WordPress, Magento, and OpenCart Sites

Discover how the Caesar Cipher Skimmer targets e-commerce platforms, compromising credit card data. Learn to protect your website from this new threat

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Defeating silence and stigma with WordPress

Elena Brescacin from Italy writes how WordPress enabled her to communicate a passion to the world despite being blind.

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WordCamp Europe 2024, Recap of the 10th Edition

This is a tough one. I’ve been staring at this draft for well over a week now. I don’t usually find it difficult to write about a topic I care deeply about, but I guess the topic of WordCamp Europe is a huge one with so many angles that I seem to be stuck with […]

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6 Surprising Things You Can Do on WordPress.com Without a Plugin

Newsletters? Spam protection? Image galleries? We have you covered, no plugin needed.

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Supply Chain Attack on WordPress.org Plugins Leads to 5 Maliciously Compromised WordPress Plugins

On Monday June 24th, 2024 the Wordfence Threat Intelligence team became aware of a plugin, Social Warfare, that was injected with malicious code on June 22, 2024 based on a forum post by the WordPress.org Plugin Review team. We immediately checked the malicious file and uploaded it to our internal Threat Intelligence platform, which identified […]

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Keeping Your Plugin Committer Accounts Secure

On June 23 and 24, 2024, five WordPress.org user accounts were compromised by an attacker trying username and password combinations that had been previously compromised in data breaches on other we…

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WooWeekly #500: Programmatically Remove From Cart | Returns & Refunds | BOGO

Hello there, Welcome back to WooWeekly, your weekly appointment with WooCommerce tutorials handpicked for you (and the other 19,216 subscribers!), so that you can learn something new. Well, it’s issue #500, and it’s a pity I didn’t find the time to do something special like I did for issue #400. It was about 2 years ago, and if […]

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WordPress 6.6 Field Guide

This guide outlines major developer features and breaking changes in 6.6 and is published in the Release Candidate cycle to help inform WordPress extending developers, Core developers, and others. …

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WordPress 6.6 Release Candidate Phase

Now that WordPress 6.6 has entered the Release Candidate (RC) phase, the following policies are in place. These policies mainly cover how and when Core committers can commit. For non-committing con…

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Updates to the HTML API in 6.6

WordPress 6.6 brings polish to the HTML API. It introduces a number of maintenance updates and a major improvement in how the HTML Processor scans a document.

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The Future of WordPress Themes: What to Expect?

A couple of weeks ago, Ellen Bauer (co-founder of theme shop ElmaStudio) asked this question on Twitter: It got lots of interesting responses. But what jumped out to me was this response from Keith Devon. This post hit a nerve with me because Keith builds websites for clients (and talks about it on the WP […]

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Contributing to WordPress: the Open Source Project

Contributing to WordPress looks different for everyone. How you choose to participate is up to you! Every journey is unique.

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Introducing the Token Map

The WP_Token_Map class in WordPress 6.6 efficiently answers the question: “Does this string at this offset contain one of a known set of tokens, and if it does, what is the replacement value for th…

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Shaping WordPress: Style Variations, Speed Challenges & WordCamps

Welcome to Shaping WordPress, where I share every couple weeks what’s top of my mind and what’s shaping up for WordPress. If you haven’t…

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ACF 6.3.2 Security Release

Advanced Custom Fields version 6.3.2 is now available. This release contains several miscellaneous security fixes found in a recently commissioned

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Backdoor slipped into multiple WordPress plugins in ongoing supply-chain attack

Malicious updates available from WordPress.org create attacker-controlled admin account.

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WordPress 6.5.5

WordPress 6.5.5 is now available! This release features three security fixes. Because this is a security release, it is recommended that you update your sites immediately. This minor release also i…

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Leaflet Lion: Notes on a WordPress block theme experiment

Is a WordPress block theme the right choice for your business website? The pros, cons, speed and performance results are in!

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Announcing A2 Hosting’s New Community Growth Team: Another Step Forward in Our WordPress Commitment

At A2 Hosting, our long-term focus is dedicated to all things WordPress. We’re committed to building and delivering unparalleled customer experiences for

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Miscellaneous Editor changes in WordPress 6.6

In this dev note, you will find a collection of smaller changes on the Block Editor affecting Global Styles, Block API and Interactivity API.

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Proposal: Block Variation Aliases

To provide an easy way for block authors to specify variations of a given block that only differ in some attributes and/or inner blocks, WordPress has been providing the Block Variations mechanism,…

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We’re Live! – Scanfully

Introducing Scanfully – Your ultimate WordPress Site-Health and Performance Dashboard. Get 50% off for a limited time!

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The Image Revolution: AVIF and WebP

WordPress 6.6 introduces extended support for AVIF and WebP image formats, enhancing image compression, quality, and load speed. Hosting companies should install and configure necessary libraries, …

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WordPress Examples

Website Design Inspirations

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Notes from WCEU: A guide to automating WooCommerce through WC-CLI Community News

For developers using WooCommerce, one way to increase their efficiency and stay ahead of the curve is to embrace the power of the dedicated WooCommerce Command Line Interface (WC-CLI) to automate tasks. Last week at WCEU 2024, Jesús Amieiro Becerra shared insights on how to harness WC-CLI, WooCommerce’s dedicated CLI tool, to enhance productivity and […]

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Global Search for Gravity Forms

By default, Gravity Forms can only search one form at a time. And entry notes aren’t included. If you have multiple forms and a lot of entries, finding a particular customer email or lead name can take a minute.Unless you have my Gravity Forms Global Search plugin.

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Introducing the new Woo Developer Newsletter Community News

Welcome to your new essential read We’re thrilled to introduce our brand new Developer Newsletter, designed exclusively for WooCommerce developers. This newsletter is your gateway to unlocking exclusive insights, enhancing your development skills, and staying on top of the latest in the WooCommerce platform.  Why you should subscribe What to expect Our inaugural issue is scheduled […]

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My WCEU 2024 story: First-Time Speaker + Awesome People

Read Katie Keith’s experiences of WordCamp Europe 2024, in which she was a speaker for the first time and met many awesome community members.

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How Better Communication Can Benefit WordPress

Those of us who work with WordPress depend on it. We need the software to be stable and secure. But we also need to know about its roadmap for the future. What happens next and the process behind it are vital. This information helps us prepare. Freelancers can judge how…

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Styling sections, nested elements, and more with Block Style Variations in WordPress 6.6

A walkthrough of how to use the new and updated improvements to the Block Style Variations system in WordPress 6.6, including section styles.

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What Would We Do with the Keys to the Kingdom?

I wonder if people are generally upset that Mullenweg has control of “WordPress” or that he has control over a large chunk of the “open web.” Placing his irresponsible reactions aside for a moment, I think we should abstract why we might feel the way we do. The fight “for…

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Data Liberation and WordPress Migrations

One thing I heard a lot about when talking to the community about Data Liberation was the challenge of WordPress-to-WordPress migrations. Exciting news for anyone who has ever struggled with that: …

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WordPress 6.6 CSS Specificity

One of the goals of WordPress 6.6 is to simplify the process for theme authors to override core styles while also maintaining support for Global Styles. Historically, high CSS specificity in core styles has made customization challenging and unpredictable, often requiring complex CSS rules to achieve desired outcomes. Development of the new section styles feature […]

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Learn About New Features in WordPress 6.6 + Scanfully Launched 🚀

So yeah, I skipped a week there, didn’t I? You have to trust me, but I really tried to make last week’s newsletter happen while at WordCamp Europe, but I was just too busy connecting with friends and making new connections to properly sit down. Also quite busy because I was also busy finalizing Scanfully’s […]

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Proposal for a Unified Sponsorship Initiative

Purpose: This proposal aims to enhance support for WordCamp organizers by forming a task force focused on streamlining sponsorship efforts, ensuring sustainability, and improving the overall sponso…

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Site-wide background images in WordPress 6.6

WordPress 6.6 introduces site-wide background images to theme.json and the Site Editor. This Dev Note explains how to use and customize the feature, and also outlines what to expect in upcoming Wor…

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DigitalOcean vs Vultr vs Akamai/Linode vs Hetzner vs AWS vs Google Cloud: Which is Best for Hosting WordPress?

Which server provider performs best for hosting WordPress? We take a look at five of the most popular server providers: DigitalOcean, AWS, Google Cloud, Akamai and Vultr.

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A Beginner’s Guide to the WordPress Interactivity API

Learn how to use the WordPress Interactivity API, why it’s essential, and how it simplifies adding interactive features to your blocks.

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WordPress 6.6 Beta 3 🆕 Theme Directory Refresh 📚 Contributor Handbook v2 📆 Sustainable Events 🌐 Rosetta Sites > New Theme

This Week at WordPress.org (June 16, 2024) News WordPress 6.6 Beta 3 Highlights from WordCamp Europe 2024 WordPress 6.6 Beta 2

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Roster of design tools per block (WordPress 6.6 edition)

Below you find a table that lists all core blocks available in the inserter marks in the grid the feature they support in the block editor. It’s a basic lookup table that helps developers to …

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The Art of Fixing Broken Permalinks in WordPress: An Ultimate Guide

Learn how to fix broken permalinks in WordPress with this ultimate guide. Discover common causes and step-by-step solutions to restore your site’s functionality.

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A Site For His Dad

First in a series about WordPress, a story of a little boy building a site for his father.

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WooConf – WooWeekly

Hello there, Welcome back to WooWeekly, your weekly appointment with WooCommerce tutorials handpicked for you (and the other 19,160 subscribers!), so that you can learn something new. Well… not today, alright! In fact, these are the first 5 minutes I had available all day. We moved to the beach house this morning; besides, last night I caught […]

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Developer Advisory: Legacy REST API error in WooCommerce 9.0 Developer Advisories

The Details An issue in WooCommerce 9.0 was reported to us through the WooCommerce and WooCommerce Legacy REST API support forums. The issue appears to be the result between code associated to the recent deprecation of the Legacy REST API, server configurations, and caching mechanisms. The primary symptom of this problem is a fatal error […]

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Theme.json version 3

WordPress 6.6 introduces theme.json version 3 due to a breaking change. Theme presets don’t override default presets by default anymore, and there are new properties to configure that behavio…

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Social Links block changes in WordPress 6.6

From WordPress 6.6, the social links block will be wrapped in a “ul” list item and the social link block will no longer output the “components-button” class name on its butt…

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An Ode to Hello Dolly with Matt Mullenweg

WordPress has been around for over 20 years. Part of its continuing popularity stems from how extensible it is. A skilled developer can make the content management system (CMS) do just about anything. Its plugin architecture powers shopping carts, forms, and photo galleries. That’s just the tip of the iceberg, though. Niche functionality abounds, so […]

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Data Views Update – June 2024

Updates on the Data View efforts as part of phase 3 of Gutenberg with answers to common questions and directions for where best to share feedback.

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WordPress Photo Directory: Elevating standards and purpose

I’ve been a contributor to the WordPress Project for a few years, primarily focusing on the Marketing team. However, after leaving Yoast and with the recent rebranding of the Marketing…

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The Benefits of Moving from Elementor to the WordPress Block Editor

It’s time to transform your website. These are the benefits of moving from Elementor to the WordPress Block Editor.

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The Sustainability Team’s Handbook for events is here!

The first version of the Sustainable Events Handbook is finally launched! 🎉 Over the past months, members of the Sustainability Team have been sharing their ideas and experiences on how WordPress c…

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WordPress 6.6 Beta 3

WordPress 6.6 Beta 3 is here! Please download and test it. This beta version of the WordPress software is under development. Please do not install, run, or test this version of WordPress on product…

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Plugins: If I Did It…

When you do the crime and provide evidence you did it, it made my life easier.

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Improvements to active block variation detection

WordPress 6.6 includes improvements to how a block variation is detected as active via the variation’s `isActive` property. Learn about dot notation, the role of specificity for comparing obj…

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Freemius WordCamp Europe 2024 Recap

WordCamp Europe 2024 was productive, fun, and insightful. I caught up with old friends and made many new connections. I was also super pleased to learn how positively Freemius’s software and services continue to be perceived by the community.

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An introduction to overrides in Synced Patterns

Synced Patterns will soon be upgraded in WordPress 6.6 with the introduction of pattern overrides. This enhancement enables curated editing experiences, improves workflows, enforces design consistency, and more.

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Options API: Disabling autoload for large options

Authors: @pbearne and @joemcgill WordPress automatically loads multiple options with a single query on each page request in order to be more efficient—a technique called “autoloading”. …

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June MainWP Roundup: The Google leak that set the SEO world on fire

Monday, May 27, 2024 while Americans were still a bit loopy from a long weekend, Rand Fishkin dropped a video on X (Twitter) signaling a coming firestorm. It seems, through chance or strategic maneuvering, a document from the Google API warehouse found its way into the hands of an anonymous…

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Level Up Your Conference Game: Effective Networking Tactics

Transform your conference networking with advanced tactics to create memorable introductions, engage on social media, and follow up effectively.

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11 Reasons Why The Future Of WordPress Is Bright

Are we ready for a WordPress Renaissance? Exploring Matt Mullenweg’s 11 principles for WordPress’s future from WordCamp Europe in Torino.

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Design Share #58 (Jun 3-Jun 14)

This is a bi-weekly update of work the design group contributed to. Work happens in overview issues, and in needs design, or needs design feedback issues.If you have updates you’d like to include in the next Design Share, drop a note in the #design channel. If you have questions, you can also ask them there, […]

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Highlights from WordCamp Europe 2024

From June 13-15, 2024, WordPress enthusiasts from across the globe gathered in Torino to explore and celebrate the world’s most popular web platform at WordCamp Europe 2024. A dedicated team of 250 volunteers, led by WordCamp veterans Wendie Huis in ‘t Veld, Juan Hernando, and Takis Bouyouris, organized and produced the event.

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Incentivizing DEIB in WP

Through the Incentivizing DEIB in WP program, the WPCC aims to increase the visibility and frequency of DEIB topics in WordPress community and WP community events.

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Your WordPress as Your Personal Mastodon Instance

As you might know, I am the author of the Friends plugin for WordPress. I started this in 2018 with the idea (which I later described in a vision post) that something like Facebook (with private posts) could be implemented decentralized between WordPresses (and later other blogs/cmses). To be honest, the effort is and stays […]

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The Most Popular Celebrity Websites Built Using WordPress

We explore the top celebrity websites built with WordPress and also look at how they crafted a unique identity online with the most popular CMS platform.

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New WordPress Plugin Solves Site Navigation Problem

Joost de Valk (known for Yoast SEO) released a free WordPress plugin that solves a site architecture problem and improves rankings

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WooCommerce Patches XSS Vulnerability Related to Order Attribution Tracking

WooCommerce has released versions 8.9.3 and 8.8.5 which contains a patch for a security vulnerability related to Order Attribution Tracking. According to the WooCommerce developer advisory, “This vulnerability allows for the injection of HTML and JavaScript, posing a security risk.” The team advises store owners to update as soon as possible. However, if you’re unable

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Enterprise WordPress Showcase: Summer 2024

Explore how WordPress powers large-scale enterprise solutions through innovative case studies in our Enterprise WordPress Showcase.

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WordPress 6.6 Beta 2

WordPress 6.6 Beta 2 is here! Please download and test it. This beta version of the WordPress software is under development. Please do not install, run, or test this version of WordPress on product…

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An introduction to the Transients API

Transients are a powerful tool for avoiding unnecessary database requests, speeding up complex markup generation, and mitigating slow third-party API requests.

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Thumbnail Creation Project

In preparation for the relaunch of Learn.WordPress.org and Learning Pathways scheduled for July, we need to create a large quantity of small graphics – called thumbnails – to serve as featured imag…

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WooCommerce 8.8.5 and 8.9.3: Dot Release and Backport Fixes Release Posts

These backported releases fix a XSS vulnerability present in WooCommerce 8.8.0 and later.

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How should we shape the future of the Plugin Review team?

Since we began restructuring the Plugin Review team with our advisors and new team members, we’ve had to make some tough collective decisions. These decisions, while based on strong intuition…

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What is new in Gutenberg 18.5 (05 Jun)

“What’s new in Gutenberg…” posts (labeled with the #gutenberg-new tag) are posted following every Gutenberg release on a biweekly basis, showcasing new features included in each release. As a remin…

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Top Envato Alternatives for WordPress Product Makers

With Shutterstock acquiring Envato, the future of CodeCanyon and ThemeForest is uncertain. WordPress sellers should seek Envato alternatives.

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WordPress Is Exciting Again

With WordPress 6.6 beta releasing, and seeing the advancements being made with site building features like Overrides for Synced Patterns — I can’t help but be excited for where WordPress is headed. And I know you might have your druthers with it all, but I’m hoping you invest now because…

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WordPress Isn’t Immune to Clickbait

WordPress’s popularity has fostered a large community. They’re a dedicated group that takes great interest in what’s happening. They focus on developments within WordPress core and its ecosystem of third-party tools. The community is diverse. Thus, you’ll get many different points of view shared on blogs and social media. People…

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WP Wonder Women Newsletter, Vol 1, Issue 2

Welcome to the only newsletter in WordPress by women, for women, and about women. When we first talked about creating this newsletter, we were asked if there would be enough news on a weekly basis about good work being done by women in WordPress. The answer is “yes.” Read on…

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