I've written up a bit on federating the #WordPress blog I'm ramping up, using the #ActivityPub plugin. It works! But there are caveats which may and may not matter to you.https://solarbird.net/blog/2023/02/18/federating-a-wordpress-blog/Also, even if you're interested, DO NOT follow the blog directly yet, I'm working on importing from a few other blogs and every one of those imports is gonna show up in its feed. I'll announce when I've got it together properly.

I’ve written up a bit on federating the #WordPress blog I’m ramping up, using the #ActivityPub plugin. It works! But there are caveats which may and may not matter to you.


Also, even if you’re interested, DO NOT follow the blog directly yet, I’m working on importing from a few other blogs and every one of those imports is gonna show up in its feed. I’ll announce when I’ve got it together properly.

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