WordPress is the most important piece of software in 2023 (and beyond) " #Twitter exodus should be the last warning you need to invest in a blog, a podcast and RSS.#WordPress becomes a necessary tool to build an online presence decentralized from the legacy social media sites.Like QR codes in the last few years, #RSS feeds will have a massive resurgence in educating a group of people on how your content can be accessed across the web, on a protocol level."https://thewpminute.com/wordpress-is-the-most-important-piece-of-software-in-2023-and-beyond/

WordPress is the most important piece of software in 2023 (and beyond)

#Twitter exodus should be the last warning you need to invest in a blog, a podcast and RSS.

#WordPress becomes a necessary tool to build an online presence decentralized from the legacy social media sites.

Like QR codes in the last few years, #RSS feeds will have a massive resurgence in educating a group of people on how your content can be accessed across the web, on a protocol level.”


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