I just added experimental CDN support to Dockpress.Simply comment out and edit the relevant environment variables in the Dockerfile and your static assets will be downloaded from a CDN/proxy server instead of your main web server.Set CDN_SCOPE to 'uploads' and what resides in wp-content/uploads will be directed to the CDN URL defined with CDN_UPLOADS_URL.Set CDN_SCOPE to 'content' and assets from in wp-content will be fetched from CDN_CONTENT_URL.#WordPress #DevOps #Docker #Kubernetes

I just added experimental CDN support to Dockpress.

Simply comment out and edit the relevant environment variables in the Dockerfile and your static assets will be downloaded from a CDN/proxy server instead of your main web server.

Set CDN_SCOPE to ‘uploads’ and what resides in wp-content/uploads will be directed to the CDN URL defined with CDN_UPLOADS_URL.

Set CDN_SCOPE to ‘content’ and assets from in wp-content will be fetched from CDN_CONTENT_URL.

#WordPress #DevOps #Docker #Kubernetes

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