Upgrading a WordPress site, plugin, or theme to a new version of PHP is a task that recurs regularly. But how do you do this as efficiently as possible? How do you know you won’t overlook anything? Is there a roadmap for it?In this article, we’ll tackle these questions (and more) and look at what’s involved in a smooth transition to #PHP 8.x for your #WordPress site, plugin, or theme, including a roadmap.https://kinsta.com/blog/switching-to-php-8/

Upgrading a WordPress site, plugin, or theme to a new version of PHP is a task that recurs regularly. But how do you do this as efficiently as possible? How do you know you won’t overlook anything? Is there a roadmap for it?

In this article, we’ll tackle these questions (and more) and look at what’s involved in a smooth transition to #PHP 8.x for your #WordPress site, plugin, or theme, including a roadmap.


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