Very cool demo, but haven’t you heard… the MPA is back! SSR, “island” architecture, signals, and *other buzzwords* are the new hottest. I loved the heart element so much, and that the project was inspired by tools like Alpine, I wanted to see if I could capture the “spirit of… Show more

Very cool demo, but haven’t you heard… the MPA is back! SSR, “island” architecture, signals, and *other buzzwords* are the new hottest. I loved the heart element so much, and that the project was inspired by tools like Alpine, I wanted to see if I could capture the “spirit of… Show more

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On this day 10 years ago I launched @SunPhotoCart 1.0 (No joke!)

On this day 10 years ago I launched @SunPhotoCart 1.0 (No joke!)

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Interesting thread on Reddit on what plugin author should not do

Interesting thread on Reddit on what plugin author should not do

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WordPress will become “reactive” with the new proposed Interactivity API The past was WordPress and the future is… WordPress? Kind of a drag and drop React lol

WordPress will become “reactive” with the new proposed Interactivity API The past was WordPress and the future is… WordPress? Kind of a drag and drop React lol

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Added TODAY for your daily #WordPress news consumption: – Added: @c_z_a_p_l_a on Interactivity API and @pollyplummer analysis. – Podcasts: @UnderRepdInTech – Posts: @oandregal, @DavidArtiss, @WooCommerce – Tweets/Mastodon posts! Have a good weekend!

Added TODAY for your daily #WordPress news consumption: – Added: @c_z_a_p_l_a on Interactivity API and @pollyplummer analysis. – Podcasts: @UnderRepdInTech – Posts: @oandregal , @DavidArtiss , @WooCommerce – Tweets/Mastodon posts! Have a good weekend!

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This issue is now solved with CoBlocks 3.0.2 – Fix issue around missing loader dependencies. #2515 I tested with the update, and the Elementor issues are all resolved with this update. The order of stylesheets is now correct and the Improved CSS Loading now works fine as well.

This issue is now solved with CoBlocks 3.0.2 – Fix issue around missing loader dependencies. #2515 I tested with the update, and the Elementor issues are all resolved with this update. The order of stylesheets is now correct and the Improved CSS Loading now works fine as well.

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Interesting conversation going on in the thread of @briancoords’s tweet around the value/impact of the different Phases of Gutenberg. #WordPress

Interesting conversation going on in the thread of @briancoords ‘s tweet around the value/impact of the different Phases of Gutenberg. #WordPress

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AI, #WordPress, and Bitcoin. We live in exciting times! Let’s just hope it doesn’t turn into an “I, Robot” situation. Issue #18 of my monthly newsletter, “Tidbits from Brian” just went out. Have a great weekend!

AI, #WordPress, and Bitcoin. We live in exciting times! Let’s just hope it doesn’t turn into an “I, Robot” situation. Issue #18 of my monthly newsletter, “Tidbits from Brian” just went out. Have a great weekend!

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On Monday, March 20, 2023, @alexleestine303 and @heyamberhinds performed a live accessibility audit of @pmproplugin. Watch the recap. This meetup is made possible by our sponsor @EmpireCaption.

On Monday, March 20, 2023, @alexleestine303 and @heyamberhinds performed a live accessibility audit of @pmproplugin . Watch the recap. This meetup is made possible by our sponsor @EmpireCaption .

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The 2023 WebAIM Million report is now available –… Home pages had 50 detectable errors (down from 50.8). WCAG failures were found on 96.3% of pages (down from 96.8%). Home page elements increased 10% and ARIA attributes 29% (77 per page!) in the last year.

The 2023 WebAIM Million report is now available –… Home pages had 50 detectable errors (down from 50.8). WCAG failures were found on 96.3% of pages (down from 96.8%). Home page elements increased 10% and ARIA attributes 29% (77 per page!) in the last year.

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This might be a new feature on PageSpeed Insights Detection of @wp_rocket and suggestion to turn on @imagify

This might be a new feature on PageSpeed Insights Detection of @wp_rocket and suggestion to turn on @imagify

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I passed 10k #Youtube subscribers last night A huge thank you to @chrislema for inspiring me to publish, to @WPTutz for his kind guidance and help, to @learnwithmattc @vikasprogrammer @wpspectra for being my first sponsors, and to everyone that’s watched, liked and shared any… Show more

I passed 10k #Youtube subscribers last night A huge thank you to @chrislema for inspiring me to publish, to @WPTutz for his kind guidance and help, to @learnwithmattc @vikasprogrammer @wpspectra for being my first sponsors, and to everyone that’s watched, liked and shared any… Show more

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My favourite feature of WordPress 6.2

My favourite feature of WordPress 6.2

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It’s great to see @yoast is tackling the web’s carbon footprint Also in issue #164: #WordPress 6.2 ‘Dolphy’ now available Real-time collaboration coming to WP Companies accused of engaging in questionable marketing tactics + what’s inspiring @tElizaRose

It’s great to see @yoast is tackling the web’s carbon footprint Also in issue #164: #WordPress 6.2 ‘Dolphy’ now available Real-time collaboration coming to WP Companies accused of engaging in questionable marketing tactics + what’s inspiring @tElizaRose

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There’s been a lot of questions about how WordPress could help developers handle block interactivity in the frontend. This work and demo manages to tick a lot of crucial boxes and makes me very excited about the possibilities ahead. Check it out!…

There’s been a lot of questions about how WordPress could help developers handle block interactivity in the frontend. This work and demo manages to tick a lot of crucial boxes and makes me very excited about the possibilities ahead. Check it out!…

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Single-page WordPress with native SSR support? Yes! This new proposal may make it a reality. Now it’s all in your hands – your feedback will determine what happens next. Go ahead and comment!

Single-page WordPress with native SSR support? Yes! This new proposal may make it a reality. Now it’s all in your hands – your feedback will determine what happens next. Go ahead and comment!

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Yes to the Interactive API for #WordPress blocks.

Yes to the Interactive API for #WordPress blocks.

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The Interactivity API is one of the most interesting proposals for WordPress frontend UX & DX that I’ve seen in awhile:

The Interactivity API is one of the most interesting proposals for WordPress frontend UX & DX that I’ve seen in awhile:

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Added TODAY for your daily #WordPress news consumption: – Get reaction/info from the WP 6.2 release. Too many to mention here. – Podcasts: @wpbuilds – Posts: @Barn2Plugins @missionmikedev @gutenberghub – Tweets/Mastodon posts! Weekend! Almost there!

Added TODAY for your daily #WordPress news consumption: – Get reaction/info from the WP 6.2 release. Too many to mention here. – Podcasts: @wpbuilds – Posts: @Barn2Plugins @missionmikedev @gutenberghub – Tweets/Mastodon posts! Weekend! Almost there!

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In personal news.. I’m happy to report after 19 Years, 2 Months, 3 Weeks, and 1 Day since starting our company, which eventually became @Pagely I’ve handed off the reigns and will begin my retirement shortly. Now available for podcasts.

In personal news.. I’m happy to report after 19 Years, 2 Months, 3 Weeks, and 1 Day since starting our company, which eventually became @Pagely I’ve handed off the reigns and will begin my retirement shortly. Now available for podcasts.

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#WordPress is more than just a CMS; it is about COMMUNITY! Have you seen another community where so many people come together to contribute to an #OpenSource project with such dedication and enthusiasm?

#WordPress is more than just a CMS; it is about COMMUNITY! Have you seen another community where so many people come together to contribute to an #OpenSource project with such dedication and enthusiasm?

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Thrilled to be one of the Noteworthy Contributors for the 6.2 release (my 4th time). It was amazing to be part of the 6.2 release squad on the Docs team. Thx to my awesome Docs co-leads @DjevaLoperka, @bph, & @NonStopNewsUK

Thrilled to be one of the Noteworthy Contributors for the 6.2 release (my 4th time). It was amazing to be part of the 6.2 release squad on the Docs team. Thx to my awesome Docs co-leads @DjevaLoperka , @bph , & @NonStopNewsUK

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New WP Search with Algolia Pro released! Now supports WooCommerce and more advanced control over what content is indexed vs. not. The roadmap we have ahead is very exciting!

New WP Search with Algolia Pro released! Now supports WooCommerce and more advanced control over what content is indexed vs. not. The roadmap we have ahead is very exciting!

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Together with @webdevstudios, we are excited to announce the new premium version of WP Search with Algolia. We call it WP Search with Algolia Pro. Check out this new #WordPress #plugin built for #enterprise and #eCommerce, with #WooCommerce support.

Together with @webdevstudios , we are excited to announce the new premium version of WP Search with Algolia. We call it WP Search with Algolia Pro. Check out this new #WordPress #plugin built for #enterprise and #eCommerce, with #WooCommerce support.

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We’re entering a new era in WordPress where the success of your project is less about the big, bulky themes and plugins you’ve traditionally used. You can do so much with the design tools now available by default, if you spend the time to learn how to wield them efficiently.

We’re entering a new era in WordPress where the success of your project is less about the big, bulky themes and plugins you’ve traditionally used. You can do so much with the design tools now available by default, if you spend the time to learn how to wield them efficiently.

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The contributors of WordPress 6.2 by country. Thank you all for supporting the large community. This time Devs from Bangladesh rocks. Image Source – @techjewel

The contributors of WordPress 6.2 by country. Thank you all for supporting the large community. This time Devs from Bangladesh rocks. Image Source – @techjewel

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Really interesting discussion with @richard_tabor about Intrinsic design and #gutenberg

Really interesting discussion with @richard_tabor about Intrinsic design and #gutenberg

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Exploring the Gutenberg data stores visually via Redux dev tools.

Exploring the Gutenberg data stores visually via Redux dev tools.

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Finally, I successfully completed my role on #WordPress 6.2 release team. It was a great experience with lots of new things to learn. Thanks to everyone who has helped me in this role.…

Finally, I successfully completed my role on #WordPress 6.2 release team. It was a great experience with lots of new things to learn. Thanks to everyone who has helped me in this role.…

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WordPress 6.2 has landed! Here’s everything you need to know about the latest release of WordPress…

WordPress 6.2 has landed! Here’s everything you need to know about the latest release of WordPress…

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I don’t agree that’s the exact same pricing strategy, at least not for plugins I manage or see. Discounting renewals at 40% is a losing strategy for WP plugins in my experience.

I don’t agree that’s the exact same pricing strategy, at least not for plugins I manage or see. Discounting renewals at 40% is a losing strategy for WP plugins in my experience.

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FSE Program Exploration: Build a block theme… via @WordPress

FSE Program Exploration: Build a block theme… via @WordPress

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With WordPress core auto updates enabled…. this is what it looks like for 200,000 sites to PHP fatal. Until CleanTalk puts out a patch here is WP-CLI workaround: wp plugin deactivate cleantalk-spam-protect

With WordPress core auto updates enabled…. this is what it looks like for 200,000 sites to PHP fatal. Until CleanTalk puts out a patch here is WP-CLI workaround: wp plugin deactivate cleantalk-spam-protect

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I’m looking for early beta testers for @customer_ray (, if you’ve got a #WooCommerce store hit me up, and we’ll dive into the data!

I’m looking for early beta testers for @customer_ray (, if you’ve got a #WooCommerce store hit me up, and we’ll dive into the data!

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New #WordPress video tutorial on #LearnWP Intro to the Site Editor and Template Editor

New #WordPress video tutorial on #LearnWP Intro to the Site Editor and Template Editor

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I am soo excited the WordPress 6.2 has been release. This release contains many performance improves. 6.2 is faster than 6.1 with more functionality. That is pretty amazing. The performance team is working on a write on these improves that you should see in next week or so.

I am soo excited the WordPress 6.2 has been release. This release contains many performance improves. 6.2 is faster than 6.1 with more functionality. That is pretty amazing. The performance team is working on a write on these improves that you should see in next week or so.

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I also made it to the list again, by “just” participating in a constructive discussion on an issue on GitHub.

I also made it to the list again, by “just” participating in a constructive discussion on an issue on GitHub.

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And just like that (not really, it takes hundreds of people), a new version of WordPress is available. It’s a massive team effort. I was privileged to be part of it and contribute to the open web. Thank you @XWP for sponsoring my time as the release coordinator.

And just like that (not really, it takes hundreds of people), a new version of WordPress is available. It’s a massive team effort. I was privileged to be part of it and contribute to the open web. Thank you @XWP for sponsoring my time as the release coordinator.

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Installed today’s new WordPress version 6.2, and I ADORE the experience of using the combination of the distraction-free and full-screen modes in the Block Editor.

Installed today’s new WordPress version 6.2, and I ADORE the experience of using the combination of the distraction-free and full-screen modes in the Block Editor.

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There are 617 total contributors to WordPress 6.2 with 179 first-time contributors. 30 releases ago WordPress 3.3 had 180 total contributors. The WordPress contributor community grows with each and every release

There are 617 total contributors to WordPress 6.2 with 179 first-time contributors. 30 releases ago WordPress 3.3 had 180 total contributors. The WordPress contributor community grows with each and every release

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WordPress 6.2 “Dolphy” is ready to update & download Keep back up & then update WP 6.2 What’s inside → Meet the reimagined Site Editor → Manage menus in more ways with the Navigation block → Discover a smoother experience for the Block…

WordPress 6.2 “Dolphy” is ready to update & download Keep back up & then update WP 6.2 What’s inside → Meet the reimagined Site Editor → Manage menus in more ways with the Navigation block → Discover a smoother experience for the Block…

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Did you write and publish something about #WordPress 6.2 today? @ us and we will include it on our feature section on our homepage… collecting all the 6.2 info/reactions/fun stuff!

Did you write and publish something about #WordPress 6.2 today? @ us and we will include it on our feature section on our homepage… collecting all the 6.2 info/reactions/fun stuff!

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Added TODAY for your daily #WordPress news consumption: – It’s WP 6.2 day! Links to info & reaction(s)! – Podcasts: @jdevalk @asmartbear @_MasterWP – Posts: @jon_bossenger @photomatt – Tweets/Mastodon posts! Thx again for support. We appreciate it!

Added TODAY for your daily #WordPress news consumption: – It’s WP 6.2 day! Links to info & reaction(s)! – Podcasts: @jdevalk @asmartbear @_MasterWP – Posts: @jon_bossenger @photomatt – Tweets/Mastodon posts! Thx again for support. We appreciate it!

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P.S. Catch our #WordPress 6.2 recap right here!

P.S. Catch our #WordPress 6.2 recap right here!

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6.2 is here. Kudos to the entire team that has worked on this release. So many awesome features you don’t wanna miss out on.

6.2 is here. Kudos to the entire team that has worked on this release. So many awesome features you don’t wanna miss out on.

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Tap to the beat of the latest release—WordPress 6.2 “Dolphy” is ready for download. Install or update now:… #WordPress

Tap to the beat of the latest release—WordPress 6.2 “Dolphy” is ready for download. Install or update now:… #WordPress

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WooCommerce 7.6 Beta 2

WooCommerce 7.6 Beta 2

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This week in Make #WordPress WordPress 6.2 “Dolphy” Call for Testing: Plugin Dependencies UX Phase 3: Collaboration

This week in Make #WordPress WordPress 6.2 “Dolphy” Call for Testing: Plugin Dependencies UX Phase 3: Collaboration

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#WordPress 6.2 has been released, and includes my patch to escape Identifiers in SQL, using `%i`. This allows the $query in wpdb::prepare() to be a `literal-string`, which ensures you can’t have an SQL Injection Vulnerability

#WordPress 6.2 has been released, and includes my patch to escape Identifiers in SQL, using `%i`. This allows the $query in wpdb::prepare() to be a `literal-string`, which ensures you can’t have an SQL Injection Vulnerability

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Put your own creative spin on party Wapuu for a chance to win #WP20 swag. Get the details: #WapuuWP20 #WordPress

Put your own creative spin on party Wapuu for a chance to win #WP20 swag. Get the details: #WapuuWP20 #WordPress

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Raise prices AND keep customers happy?! It’s NOT a fairy tale! Unleash the magic 4 your business in the latest @memberpress blog post! #ValueCreation #PricingStrategy @bbPress @gsttoolboxpro @my_cred @trustpulseapp @NotificationX_ @FlexClipApp

Raise prices AND keep customers happy?! It’s NOT a fairy tale! Unleash the magic 4 your business in the latest @memberpress blog post! #ValueCreation #PricingStrategy @bbPress @gsttoolboxpro @my_cred @trustpulseapp @NotificationX_ @FlexClipApp

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It’s Wednesday! Let’s help people find jobs in #WordPress. Add any openings in your company or that you know about. (I’ll list some, too.) Together, we make our community stronger. Threads aren’t posting – so I’ll be adding them one by one… #WorkWednesday #WordPressJobs

It’s Wednesday! Let’s help people find jobs in #WordPress. Add any openings in your company or that you know about. (I’ll list some, too.) Together, we make our community stronger. Threads aren’t posting – so I’ll be adding them one by one… #WorkWednesday #WordPressJobs

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Just discovered Pattern Manager by @wpengine and it’s a game-changer! Designing and building beautiful block patterns for my theme has never been easier. The dedicated studio makes it a breeze to work with patterns and 10x my productivity. #webdesign #WPengine #blockpatterns

Just discovered Pattern Manager by @wpengine and it’s a game-changer! Designing and building beautiful block patterns for my theme has never been easier. The dedicated studio makes it a breeze to work with patterns and 10x my productivity. #webdesign #WPengine #blockpatterns

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I’m excited to work with @heyamberhinds to bring live captioning to the Web Agency Summit this year! Join us here >>

I’m excited to work with @heyamberhinds to bring live captioning to the Web Agency Summit this year! Join us here >>

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Anyone planning on staying on Twitter beyond April might want to start using Twitter Lists instead of (or addition to) their timeline. Here’s my #WordPress list if you want to follow with 85+ others:… Anyone who talks WP is welcome on the list.

Anyone planning on staying on Twitter beyond April might want to start using Twitter Lists instead of (or addition to) their timeline. Here’s my #WordPress list if you want to follow with 85+ others:… Anyone who talks WP is welcome on the list.

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Added TODAY for your daily #WordPress news consumption: – Oops no 6.2 today (via @pollyplummer) – Podcasts: @post_status – Posts: @wordcandy_co @_MasterWP @michaelburridge @iamsegbedji – Video: @wpbuilds – Tweets/Mastodon posts! Have a good Tuesday!

Added TODAY for your daily #WordPress news consumption: – Oops no 6.2 today (via @pollyplummer ) – Podcasts: @post_status – Posts: @wordcandy_co @_MasterWP @michaelburridge @iamsegbedji – Video: @wpbuilds – Tweets/Mastodon posts! Have a good Tuesday!

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Home from @WordCampPHX and (mostly) recovered from travel. I absolutely loved seeing everyone and meeting new people. Here are some takeaways (a short )

Home from @WordCampPHX and (mostly) recovered from travel. I absolutely loved seeing everyone and meeting new people. Here are some takeaways (a short )

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WPCampus 2023 to be hybrid event, in-person and remote proposals due Friday…

WPCampus 2023 to be hybrid event, in-person and remote proposals due Friday…

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Each time we build a field validation from scratch, accessibility doesn’t come out of the box. In this guide, Sandrina breaks down what we need to take into consideration, so that nobody gets stuck on an inaccessible invalid field.

Each time we build a field validation from scratch, accessibility doesn’t come out of the box. In this guide, Sandrina breaks down what we need to take into consideration, so that nobody gets stuck on an inaccessible invalid field.

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Recently published article for @nexcess by @blgsmth: Setting Up WooCommerce Shipping Options #WooCommerce #shipping

Recently published article for @nexcess by @blgsmth : Setting Up WooCommerce Shipping Options #WooCommerce #shipping

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What’s the most impressive thing you’ve ever done with WordPress? What are you most proud of having built with WordPress?

What’s the most impressive thing you’ve ever done with WordPress? What are you most proud of having built with WordPress?

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Super proud of Yoast’s new Crawl Optimization settings, which we just moved to the free version of the plugin. This will save so many trees.

Super proud of Yoast’s new Crawl Optimization settings, which we just moved to the free version of the plugin. This will save so many trees.

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The @WordPress #Docs Team needs your URGENT help in fixing 50+ WP 6.2 end-user documentation issues:… New contributors are also welcome! More info here:… Ping in #docs channel on the Make/WordPress Slack for help!

The @WordPress #Docs Team needs your URGENT help in fixing 50+ WP 6.2 end-user documentation issues:… New contributors are also welcome! More info here:… Ping in #docs channel on the Make/WordPress Slack for help!

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If you were to be a part of or start a WordPress community today, which tool would you use/join?

If you were to be a part of or start a WordPress community today, which tool would you use/join?

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Is your website contributing to climate change? Did you know that bots that collect info on your website consume a lot of power? Wait, there’s good news: You can reduce your website’s carbon footprint with #YoastSEO

Is your website contributing to climate change? Did you know that bots that collect info on your website consume a lot of power? Wait, there’s good news: You can reduce your website’s carbon footprint with #YoastSEO

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When teaching someone WordPress, what do you feel is the hardest lesson to teach?

When teaching someone WordPress, what do you feel is the hardest lesson to teach?

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Yay for @Kathy_Darling getting her PR merged! Looking forward to seeing it appear in the documentation! :)… #WordPress

Yay for @Kathy_Darling getting her PR merged! Looking forward to seeing it appear in the documentation! 🙂… #WordPress

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This weeks Veterans in Tech is about Edmund Dunn (@edmund_dunn). Edmund was a Russian linguist and analyst for the US Army for 20 years. His journey to today is different than he anticipated, but he wouldn’t trade it for anything.

This weeks Veterans in Tech is about Edmund Dunn ( @edmund_dunn ). Edmund was a Russian linguist and analyst for the US Army for 20 years. His journey to today is different than he anticipated, but he wouldn’t trade it for anything.

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The curse of experience is that sometimes you forget that what’s common sense for you today is someone else’s “Aha!” moment. I wonder how often in #WordPress we forget what it’s like to be doing something for the first time. In the product, community and companies.

The curse of experience is that sometimes you forget that what’s common sense for you today is someone else’s “Aha!” moment. I wonder how often in #WordPress we forget what it’s like to be doing something for the first time. In the product, community and companies.

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1. When was the last time you could not find a block for something in WordPress? 2. What block did you need? 3. Did you end up building a custom block or installing a plugin to solve it?

1. When was the last time you could not find a block for something in WordPress? 2. What block did you need? 3. Did you end up building a custom block or installing a plugin to solve it?

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#WordPress 6.2 is expected to be released TOMORROW (March 28) We have been closely monitoring the development and trying out new features on our test sites Check our video for a sneak peek into what features are coming, with details & screenshots:

#WordPress 6.2 is expected to be released TOMORROW (March 28) We have been closely monitoring the development and trying out new features on our test sites Check our video for a sneak peek into what features are coming, with details & screenshots:

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Hey #WordPress builders… Are you looking for a dedicated place to build and design Block Patterns? Our team just released Pattern Manager, which is currently in beta. Download/test it here:…

Hey #WordPress builders… Are you looking for a dedicated place to build and design Block Patterns? Our team just released Pattern Manager, which is currently in beta. Download/test it here:…

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Purchasing @AstraWP theme: – Hurry up! timer – 30% off savings…of what exactly? $677 advertised price – ($137 + $476) = $64 savings. 9%-ish savings? – Only available now. Sujay Pawar, CEO, helps Automattic w/ investments. AM isn’t alone. How far down the rabbit hole do we go?

Purchasing @AstraWP theme: – Hurry up! timer – 30% off savings…of what exactly? $677 advertised price – ($137 + $476) = $64 savings. 9%-ish savings? – Only available now. Sujay Pawar, CEO, helps Automattic w/ investments. AM isn’t alone. How far down the rabbit hole do we go?

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Added TODAY for your daily #WordPress news consumption: – Patching @WooCommerce plugin @BleepinComputer – Podcasts: @kitchensinkwp @howibuilt WP Briefing podcast w/ @JosephaHaden – Updated job postings. – Tweets/Mastodon posts! Happy Monday!

Added TODAY for your daily #WordPress news consumption: – Patching @WooCommerce plugin @BleepinComputer – Podcasts: @kitchensinkwp @howibuilt WP Briefing podcast w/ @JosephaHaden – Updated job postings. – Tweets/Mastodon posts! Happy Monday!

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Say you wanted a tutorial on how to use ACF PRO’s (@wp_acf) Clone field. What would you include, not include, or any ideas?

Say you wanted a tutorial on how to use ACF PRO’s ( @wp_acf ) Clone field. What would you include, not include, or any ideas?

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I just used #chatgpt4 to create a #wordpress plugin that will generate a temporary passwordless login url that expires after 48 hours. GPT then offered five additional feature recs. I was quoted ~$2,000 from WordPress devs to build this out for me.

I just used #chatgpt4 to create a #wordpress plugin that will generate a temporary passwordless login url that expires after 48 hours. GPT then offered five additional feature recs. I was quoted ~$2,000 from WordPress devs to build this out for me.

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I’m more interested in replies than the poll. Because I could’ve added accessibility, performance, “cleaning up old tix” although I think these should be a part of ANY phase and not waiting years or even months. Why add AI? Wildcard. This is a couple years from now after all.

I’m more interested in replies than the poll. Because I could’ve added accessibility, performance, “cleaning up old tix” although I think these should be a part of ANY phase and not waiting years or even months. Why add AI? Wildcard. This is a couple years from now after all.

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Question for #WordPress folks: The #Gutenberg project has 4 phases… but if you had to add a FIFTH phase what would you make the single overall theme (knowing the phase would still be years away)?

Question for #WordPress folks: The #Gutenberg project has 4 phases… but if you had to add a FIFTH phase what would you make the single overall theme (knowing the phase would still be years away)?

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Hello WordPress Buddies – What’s the most innovative WordPress plugin you’ve developed, and what problem does it solve? #WordPress

Hello WordPress Buddies – What’s the most innovative WordPress plugin you’ve developed, and what problem does it solve? #WordPress

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In advance of #WordPress 6.2 coming out tomorrow () we’ve just updated our free WP Fusion Lite with: 2 new CRMs 15 new features 28 improvements and 43 bug fixes

In advance of #WordPress 6.2 coming out tomorrow () we’ve just updated our free WP Fusion Lite with: 2 new CRMs 15 new features 28 improvements and 43 bug fixes

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Anyone got some good examples of AI in WordPress? What interesting stuff are people up to?

Anyone got some good examples of AI in WordPress? What interesting stuff are people up to?

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Ok but this time I’m *actually* ready to share this shiny new WordPress block theme. I’ll be sending an email out to Ollie subscribers tomorrow with instructions on how to download this theme for testing before it goes live on

Ok but this time I’m *actually* ready to share this shiny new WordPress block theme. I’ll be sending an email out to Ollie subscribers tomorrow with instructions on how to download this theme for testing before it goes live on

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Safe SVG — an open source plugin from 10up that enables SVG uploads in WordPress — now has a block for the #WordPress block editor! Learn more and install Safe SVG 2.1.0 now:

Safe SVG — an open source plugin from 10up that enables SVG uploads in WordPress — now has a block for the #WordPress block editor! Learn more and install Safe SVG 2.1.0 now:

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Can’t believe WPForms is 7 years old today. I partnered with @jaredatch to create a beginner-friendly drag & drop form builder. Milestones: 0 to 5 million websites #7 most popular WordPress plugin of all time 4.9 out of 5 star rating avg…

Can’t believe WPForms is 7 years old today. I partnered with @jaredatch to create a beginner-friendly drag & drop form builder. Milestones: 0 to 5 million websites #7 most popular WordPress plugin of all time 4.9 out of 5 star rating avg…

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There aren’t many of this type of role available in the WordPress community: Security Analyst at Awesome Motive.… If you think you might be interested and would like to know more about working at AM, feel free to DM me.

There aren’t many of this type of role available in the WordPress community: Security Analyst at Awesome Motive.… If you think you might be interested and would like to know more about working at AM, feel free to DM me.

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Now it’s a moderators job to seek out and manage AI generated community content.

Now it’s a moderators job to seek out and manage AI generated community content.

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This past year I found my passion for WordPress contribution, developer advocacy, and education. Therefore, I’m excited to announce that I’ve joined the .org Developer Relations team @Automattic and am now a full-time contributor to the WordPress project. Time to get to work…

This past year I found my passion for WordPress contribution, developer advocacy, and education. Therefore, I’m excited to announce that I’ve joined the .org Developer Relations team @Automattic and am now a full-time contributor to the WordPress project. Time to get to work…

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6 things that make the WordPress community awesome: 1) Open-source philosophy 2) Inclusivity 3) Supportive network 4) Continuous development 5) Smarts and creativity 6) Business opportunities

6 things that make the WordPress community awesome: 1) Open-source philosophy 2) Inclusivity 3) Supportive network 4) Continuous development 5) Smarts and creativity 6) Business opportunities

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What opportunities do you see to further grow and foster the WordPress community?

What opportunities do you see to further grow and foster the WordPress community?

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So based on a conversation I had with a plugin developer in the AMA this morning, I’m thinking some educational content around “why you can’t do the PHP things you are used to doing in JS, and how you can work around that” is needed. Examples, how to tri…

So based on a conversation I had with a plugin developer in the AMA this morning, I’m thinking some educational content around “why you can’t do the PHP things you are used to doing in JS, and how you can work around that” is needed. Examples, how to tri…

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If you just want to see #WordPress related social without having to scroll past anything else, every day (at various times during the day depending) we collect the best or most interesting (mostly leaving out the drama).

If you just want to see #WordPress related social without having to scroll past anything else, every day (at various times during the day depending) we collect the best or most interesting (mostly leaving out the drama).

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A friend of mine upgraded a WordPress installation, and it started throwing errors. He couldn’t figure it out, so he handed the error message to “his friend” GPT-4, which told him how to fix the PHP code to stop it from breaking. The world has shifted and it’s not going back.

A friend of mine upgraded a WordPress installation, and it started throwing errors. He couldn’t figure it out, so he handed the error message to “his friend” GPT-4, which told him how to fix the PHP code to stop it from breaking. The world has shifted and it’s not going back.

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I’m working on a stack for a composable DXP based on WordPress. These are the plugins that GPT thinks are a must-have.

I’m working on a stack for a composable DXP based on WordPress. These are the plugins that GPT thinks are a must-have.

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The selfie of all #WCPHX selfies for the #MichelleAndMe challenge. Reply below if you’re in this photo

The selfie of all #WCPHX selfies for the #MichelleAndMe challenge. Reply below if you’re in this photo

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Happy 15th anniversary to #BuddyPress Here’s the BP Core Team’s gift to the BP Community to celebrate it…

Happy 15th anniversary to #BuddyPress Here’s the BP Core Team’s gift to the BP Community to celebrate it…

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If you have a team, make sure you have policies on how you do time tracking so you have accurate data to analyze. #WCPHX…

If you have a team, make sure you have policies on how you do time tracking so you have accurate data to analyze. #WCPHX…

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Available now only at #wcphx: your own AI powered t-shirt generating quotes and silhouette images of @Pagely CEO @strebel

Available now only at #wcphx: your own AI powered t-shirt generating quotes and silhouette images of @Pagely CEO @strebel

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Hello WordPress Buddies- What’s the most important factor when choosing a WordPress hosting provider? #WordPress #hostingselection

Hello WordPress Buddies- What’s the most important factor when choosing a WordPress hosting provider? #WordPress #hostingselection

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“Future of WordPress is very bright, you should learn better React, focus on Blocks, but Page-builders like Elementor is not going anywhere!” – those were my points at our panel at @WordCamp_Kerala! #WCKerala #WordCamp

“Future of WordPress is very bright, you should learn better React, focus on Blocks, but Page-builders like Elementor is not going anywhere!” – those were my points at our panel at @WordCamp_Kerala ! #WCKerala #WordCamp

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