WordPress Vulnerability Report — November 29, 2023

This week, 138 new vulnerabilities have emerged, potentially impacting 10 million WordPress sites. 89 vulnerable plugins remain unpatched.

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BuddyPress 12.0.0 Release Candidate

Fun & flexible software for online communities, teams, and groups

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Simple start with Acceptance Testing for WordPress

How to use UI, E2E, GUI tests to verify your changes inside your WordPress plugin or theme? How to setup the Codeception and GH Actions for acceptance tests?

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WooWeekly #471: Launch Day

Hello there, Welcome back to WooWeekly, your weekly appointment with WooCommerce tutorials, tips and updates handpicked for you (and the other 18,467 subscribers) so that you can learn something new. Well, today it’s launch day! I’ve worked days and nights in the last few weeks, and the new Business Bloomer Club is now live. From now onwards, you […]

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Will “Rollback Auto Update” Be Included in WordPress 6.5?

Learn more about the planned “Rollback Auto Update” feature in WP 6.5.

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Getting started with the Command Palette API

Learn the basics of adding static commands via the WordPress Command Palette API. The tutorial walks you through building three example commands.

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November 2023 Newsletter – Underrepresented in Tech

Where has this year gone? Only one month left, and we’re heavy into the holidays already. Whatever you celebrate, and however you celebrate, we wish you wonderful times with family and friends.

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My experience in WordCamp San José Costa Rica 2023

The amount of work and experience by the team made me realize why this is the biggest WordCamp event in LATAM.

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Why I Dislike WordPress Stories

One of my dear readers asked me the other week what I thought about WordPress Stories posts. My first thought was, “What’s that? Never heard of it.” I was clueless until recently …

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How to Customize Home and Blog Page in Twenty-Twenty Four Block Theme

This article explains how to customize the home and blog pages in a block theme like Twenty-Twenty Four

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Summary Hallway Hangout Triage Gutenberg Extensibility Issues

On November 10th, 2023 Gutenberg contributors met in a Hallway Hangout to discuss the best ways to triage the Extensibility Issues for inclusion into 6.5 or later version of WordPress.  TL;DR&…

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Design Share: Nov 6-Nov 17

A PR to make table header columns and pagination permanently visible regardless of scroll position. This ensures the data inside each cell can always be interpreted, and that pagination is locked in the same position.

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Understanding the theme.json File in a WordPress Block Theme

WordPress’s Gutenberg editor has revolutionized the way themes are created and customized, and at the heart of this transformation is the theme.json file.

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Equalize Digital’s Accessibility Checker Plugin Wins 2023 Gaady Award

Equalize Digital Accessibility Checker received a GAADY award from the GAAD Foundation for its work to improve accessibility in WordPress.

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What to Blog About When You Don’t Know What to Blog About

Here’s a cool thing I made. Here’s a cool thing someone else made. Here’s something I just learned. Here’s something I want to learn that looks cool. Why I want to learn/use/do this thing. Why I don’t want to learn/use/do the thing. I’m in the process of learning something but I haven’t quite got it […]

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Redesigning Developer Resources and a call for testing

Over the past few months, contributors have been working on a new design for the Developer Resources section of WordPress.org, which includes the official Code Reference, Block Editor Handbook, Theme Handbook, and much more. This project aims to refresh the aesthetics of the Developer Resources section, convert the site to a block theme, and improve […]

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Gutenberg 17.1, Theme Handbook updated, Get started with Command Palette – Weekend Edition 275

If you celebrate it: Happy Thanksgiving. Enjoy the weekend with your family and friends. It’s the first time in over twenty years, when Thanksgiving was just another Thursday in our workweek. Here we have plenty of bank holidays around Christmas and New Year’s. I am not complaining. It was merely one of those first Living […]

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How To Outsource Content Writing: A Definitive Guide in 2023

Content outsourcing helps scale your marketing efforts with a team of experts. Learn how to outsource writing and find the best talent for your website.

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WooCommerce Blocks Extensibility Snaps – November 2023

Hello and welcome to the November edition of WooCommerce Blocks Extensibility Snaps! This post is a monthly update to highlight things we’ve been working on and keep you up to date with our p…

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Side Effects in WordPress Development

When I started thinking about side effects in WordPress development, I was working on something concrete. That lead me to thinking about it in the abstract.

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WordPress Plugin Directory Preview Relaunches • Modules & Import Maps • PHP 8.3

This Week at WordPress.org (November 19, 2023) News Exploration to support Modules and Import Maps Plugin Directory: Preview button revisited Block theme

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The Road to Do the Woo 4.0

Well, here it is. The beginning of the journey to the redesign and new concept of the Do the Woo podcast channel, 4.0

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Automattic Design: Introducing Twenty Twenty-Four

A behind-the-scenes look at Twenty Twenty-Four, the most expressive and capable WordPress default theme yet, alongside WordPress 6.4.

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New #WordPress Developer Doc: Main Stylesheet (style.css)

As described in Theme Structure, WordPress requires that all themes include a style.css file. Its most important function is to “register” the theme with WordPress through configuration data at the top of the file. Many themes also use it to serve CSS to the front-end (and even the editor).

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Plugins: Finally, a Decent Bribe!

It’s a bad Three Stooges tale when one person makes three ‘company’ accounts and spams for all.

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Mastering WordPress CLI: A Comprehensive Guide to Boost Your Productivity

WordPress CLI, or Command Line Interface, is a powerful tool that often remains underutilized by many WordPress users. If you’re accustomed to managing your WordPress site through the familiar web interface, diving into the command line might seem daunting at first. However, the benefits are substantial, offering increased efficiency and control over your WordPress installation.

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Redesigning Developer Resources and a call for testing

Over the past few months, contributors have been working on a new design for the Developer Resources section of WordPress.org, which includes the official Code Reference, Block Editor Handbook, The…

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Epic Tales of Spectacular Fails: Lessons From Leading WordPress Entrepreneurs

In software product creation and business development, failure is the one thing you can count on. Find out why celebrating failure is vital for learning and growth, as demonstrated by 18 software entrepreneurs.

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On sponsored talks, paid talks, and WordCamps

I spoke at quite a few conferences over the years. Mainly WordCamps, but I also did an occasional SEO conference and made an appearance at a conference

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How to Translate Contact Forms with Polylang

In this guide, we’ll explore how to translate contact forms with Polylang and the reasons why using a contact form plugin is essential for a dynamic and user-friendly website.

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The State of Developer Ecosystem in 2023 Infographic

Learn about the latest trends in tools, technologies, AI, and programming languages.

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My Commitment to WP-CLI – Shawn Hooper

After years of praising the utility of WP-CLI and using it on just about every project I work on, I had yet to contribute to it. Until now.

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What’s new in Gutenberg 17.1 (22 November)

“What’s new in Gutenberg…” posts (labeled with the #gutenberg-new tag) are posted following every Gutenberg release on a biweekly basis, showcasing new features included in each release. As a remin…

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WooWeekly #470: WooCommerce Black Friday Tips

Hello there, Welcome back to WooWeekly, your weekly appointment with WooCommerce tutorials, tips and updates handpicked for you (and the other 18,448 subscribers) so that you can learn something new. It’s Black Friday week, and today’s newsletter will probably get lost in your promotions tab. But you never know. Therefore, today’s special is a series of helpful snippets […]

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Plugin Directory: Preview button revisited

Plugin Demo relaunches 1. The button is double-opt-in. It’s not shown by default for any plugins. 2. It’s now possible for plugin developers to configure the preview environment and install dependencies (other plugins and themes). 3. Plugin developers can test the preview before making it available to the public. 4. Most php extensions are now […]

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WordPress.com now has staging site syncing

Fearlessly try out new ideas and designs before publishing them to the world.

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Exploration to support Modules and Import Maps

Looking to the future, a collaborative effort is underway to explore native support for modern JavaScript modules and import maps within the WordPress ecosystem.

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The Challenge of Innovating with WordPress

The challenge of innovating with WordPress is that the project may not always embrace new ideas or functionalities. The WordPress core may not move quickly enough, and its mission may diverge from that of users and product makers. Innovation often comes from outside the project, and pushing the boundaries may…

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Testing the New Collaborative Editing in the WordPress Block Editor

The Gutenberg team released version 17.0 last week and it has the first version of collaborative editing for WordPress users.

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Looping LinksWith The WP HTML Processor

What if you could replace regexing all your content with something less cryptic? With WP 6.1 and up, you can.

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Create a File Uploader with React and WordPress REST API (Media)

So I’m working on a small project and I ran into a task involving a form with a file input that has to update an image attached to a custom post type. It got pretty interesting because it took a bit of digging to get it to work. While there was not a lot of […]

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Getting started with the Command Palette API

Learn the basics of adding static commands via the WordPress Command Palette API. The tutorial walks you through building three example commands.

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Editing Your Archive Template with the Block Editor

The archive template is a pretty important part of your WordPress website. Here’s how you can edit or create templates in the site editor.

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What’s next for Dev-Squad?

Earlier this year we launched a new initiative called dev-squad. The initial goal of dev-squad was to hold weekly, 30-minute triage sessions to help move PRs and newly opened bugs forward. These triage sessions can focus on either PRs or bugs and do not have to cover both in a single session. The initial sessions […]

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Design Share: Nov 6-Nov 17

Hi, all! Here are a few projects the Design Team has contributed to over the past couple of weeks.

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New WordPress Theme: Hideo

Hideo is a clean portfolio and blog theme with bold headings and subdued colors.

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Write the next chapter of WP Tavern

I’m sorry I haven’t had the time to find a new writer for the Tavern in the time between when Sarah gave her notice a few weeks ago and now. There’s never a dull moment in tech and my priorities with WordPress core and Automattic ended up taking more time than I expected. Funding and […]

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What tools I use produce & promote WPwatercooler

I’ve been thinking about the video production stack I use for recording, streaming, transcribing, subtitling, repurposing, and promoting WPwatercooler on social media. I thought I’d share what I’m using. If you’ve used something different, I’d love to know what you are using. If you have any questions about my setup, please give me a shout […]

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Proposal: Hosting Learn videos on YouTube

I propose transitioning the video embedding platform for Learn WordPress from WordPress.tv to the WordPress YouTube channel. We will still submit videos to WordPress.tv but use the Youtube videos for embeds.

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Ongoing maintenance retainers: the business case

Learn why ongoing maintenance retainers are a strategic necessity for businesses. Enhance performance, security, and user experience.

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Sarah Gooding Leaves WP Tavern After 10 Years

This has been an emotional, bittersweet morning for me, reading through old posts, as I close the book on my time at this beloved publication. Today is my last day before moving on to embrace a new challenge in the world of tech.

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WP Interactions: Beta Sign-Up

Make any website interactive with the WordPress Block Editor using WP Interactions. Set triggers that set off a series of actions that play.

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The WPCC’s Inaugural Accessibility Fellowship Begins

The WP Community Collective (WPCC) is proud to announce the start of its inaugural Fellowship program as the first-ever WPCC Fellow Alex Stine officially begins the Accessibility Fellowship this month as a sponsored contributor with the WPCC.

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WooCommerce 8.3 Makes Cart, Checkout, and Order Confirmation Blocks Default on New Installations

WooCommerce 8.3 was released today, featuring Cart, Checkout, and Order Confirmation blocks as the default checkout flow for new installations. This is a major milestone in moving WooCommerce towar…

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WP 6.4 PHP Compatibility, Performance Improvements, Retrospective • Twenty Twenty Four

This Week at WordPress.org (November 13, 2023) News State of the Word 2023 – Madrid, Spain Introducing Twenty Twenty-Four WP Briefing: Episode 66:

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Filter the URLs in Gutenberg Social Link Block

Dynamically populate social link URLs using the render_block filter in WordPress.

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Embracing AI: why starting small is the secret to success

Learn why starting small is key to success when embracing AI in WordPress. Discover practical tips for maximising your investments in AI.

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PublishPress Capabilities Supports Many More Plugins

PublishPress Capabilities shows capabilities for many free and commercial plugins, from Yoast and Rank Math to Learn Dash and Gravity Forms.

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WordPress AI Search: Bringing Open AI to WordPress

Learn about AI search for a WordPress website powered by the Open AI engine. Read about the pros and cons and test out the free AI plugin from Crocoblock.

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Hallway Hangout: Recap of working session on consolidating navigation modes

This is a summary of a Hallway Hangout that was wrangled in the #accessibility channel after a prior hallway hangout on improving accessibility in the Site Editor and took the new form of a concret…

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AI Ethics in Focus: Addressing Bias, Privacy, and Transparency Challenges

Learn about the importance of ethics in AI and how to mitigate bias, ensure transparency, protect privacy, and promote accountability.

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Edit WordPress Sites on InstaWP natively using VS Code: InstaWP VSCode Extension

Extension for Visual Studio Code – Remotely edit WordPress sites on InstaWP inside VSCode

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WordPress 6.4 Retrospective

Congratulations to all who helped make WordPress 6.4 available! Now that it has been successfully released, I invite all who contributed to reflect and share our thoughts on the release process to …

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Nine Years Of HeroPress, A Retrospective

Topher looks back at nine years of HeroPress.

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State of the Word 2023 – Madrid, Spain

You’ll want to mark your calendars for December 11, 2023. State of the Word is the annual keynote in which WordPress co-founder Matt Mullenweg celebrates the progress of the open source project and offers a glimpse into its future.

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Tumblr Is Always Dying

The mainstream narrative has declared Tumblr dead for years. Last week, a leaked memo finally revealed the site’s plans to scale down its operations—but its art, fandoms, and inside jokes rage on.

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Epic Tales of Spectacular Fails: Lessons From Leading WordPress Entrepreneurs

In software product creation and business development, failure is the one thing you can count on. Find out why celebrating failure is vital for learning and growth, as demonstrated by 18 software entrepreneurs.

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WooWeekly #469: Sort by Featured | Black Friday Tips | Better Refunds

Hello there, Welcome back to WooWeekly, your weekly appointment with WooCommerce tutorials, tips and updates handpicked for you (and the other 18,413 subscribers) so that you can learn something new. I’m currently away, so I’m writing this issue on the go. Not the best time of the year to go on holiday with Black Friday around […]

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Why marketers should not try to measure everything

I hate data. And I love data. Safe to say, my relationship with data is somewhat complex. I love statistical analysis; I love getting new insights out of

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Leaving WordPress, going to static HTML

Sometimes content managed in WordPress needs to be converted to static HTML. The journey from a CMS to just static HTML is showcased here.

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WP Fastest Cache plugin bug exposes 600K WordPress sites to attacks

The WordPress plugin WP Fastest Cache is vulnerable to an SQL injection vulnerability that could allow unauthenticated attackers to read the contents of the site’s database.

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How To: Change User Role with WP CLI

Change user role with WP-CLI in 1 minute! Save time and effort and find out the best alternative for bypassing the Dashboard with WP-CLI.

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How we created a 512K version of the Blogpocket website

In this project, our goal is to get a lightweight version of Blogpocket.com with pages weighing less than 512 KB. To achieve this, we have prepared the following steps to get a highly performance-optimized WordPress site with lightweight pages. Additionally, we have developed a system to automatically clone entries without affecting the SEO of the […]

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Custom Settings Screens in Block Themes

How do you build custom settings pages for “modern” WordPress? My next big project is a WordPress multisite with a smooth onboarding / settings experience so that an in-house marketing team can spin up and customize new sites on the network quickly. It feels like the perfect use case for full site editing. In the […]

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Search evolved: Exploring the AI-powered world of Google’s SGE

Discover the Search Generative Experience (SGE) from Google: an innovation powered by generative AI for making user search experiences more interactive.

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ElmaStudio Releases Moog: A Free Block Theme for Blogs

Moog is one of the latest free block themes to be released on WordPress.org. It features a minimal and bold layout with a responsive, masonry style grid on the homepage. Moog is well suited to blog…

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The top WordPress plugins are… a little sad?

This is a little negative-nancy-ish, so if you aren’t feeling that right now — just close this tab 😜. It struck me recently how this list of plugins I saw in the 2023 Annual WordPress…

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WordPress 6.4 Performance Improvements

This version improves server response time by ~4% over version 6.3.2. This, combined with additional frontend optimizations, leads to improvements to Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)—an important Core Web Vital. This release caps off an ambitious year of work for the Performance Team, with major improvements made in each release.

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Twenty-Twenty-Four, WordPress 6.4, Command Palette Tools, New block themes and documentation

Howdy, Oh wow, catching up on 4 weeks of Gutenberg and WordPress news is an almost impossible task, especially with a major WordPress release happening in between. This edition includes mostly release information and developer notes. Furthermore, I am excited about the new themes that arrived at the Theme directory, plugins and documentation. I hope…

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Introducing Twenty Twenty-Four

Meet Twenty Twenty-Four, the most versatile default theme yet—bundled with WordPress 6.4 and ready to make it uniquely yours.

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Say Hello To The New MyPressable Dashboard Experience

The new MyPressable Dashboard experience is now live, making it easier than ever to build, manage, and maintain your WordPress websites. 

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Use Case Studies to Boost Interest in Your WordPress Product

Tips for writing effective and easy to understand case studies for your WordPress plugin, theme, or service.

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Main query loop handling for block themes in 6.4

In WordPress 6.4, a change has been applied to how the main query loop is being handled for block themes.

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Press This: A Big New Version of BuddyPress

In this episode of Press This, BuddyPress’ iMath and David Cavins discuss new features in version 12.0 and the possibility of a BuddyVerse upgrade with the help of ActivityPub.

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Recap: The first Learn WordPress course cohort

Summary  During September and October 2023, the Training team experimented with facilitating its first course cohort. Course cohorts have been a goal of the Training team since 2022. The first…

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The duality of managing your own website server

Six years ago I got tired of running my blog on a shared hosting due to downtimes and I decided to move it to a Digital Ocean droplet. Back then a droplet was 5 dollars and a couple of cents for each Snapshot. For all those six years it ran smoothly and I had complete…

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Twenty-One Merged PRs for WP-CLI Hack Day 2023

The second ever WP-CLI Hack Day is now complete! It was a ton of fun to collaborate with folks all over the world — without the long airplane flight 😊 Many thanks to everyone that participated! 🙏 @…

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Privilege, Diwali, And A New Theme!

This week in HeroPress read about working in Uganda, Diwali, and coming out as an ally.

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