Transfer Your Google Domains to

As you may know, Google Domains has been sold to Squarespace and—while they’ve mentioned maintaining prices for the first year—nothing says they won’t increase them later.

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WordPress 6.3 Release Day Process

Preparation for WordPress 6.3 final release is underway. This post shares the release process, including the timeline and how you can help. The post will be kept up to date as the release proc…

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WordPress 6.3 RC3

This version of the WordPress software is under development. Please do not install, run, or test this version on production or mission-critical websites. Instead, you should evaluate RC3 on a test server and site. The WordPress 6.3 release is scheduled for August 8, 2023—just one week away. Now is your last opportunity to test it […]

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How to Read WordPress Block Content Programmatically

Reading block content can become useful if you’re building blocks that will interact with other blocks or maybe a plugin that will enhance the whole experience of using the Block Editor. As in the previous tutorial, where we talked about […]

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What’s new on Learn WordPress in July 2023

In July 2023, the Training team published the following resources on Learn WordPress.

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People of WordPress: Ihtisham Zahoor

People of WordPress features Ihtisham Zahoor, an administrator turned web developer from Pakistan.

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Improving performance of a WordPress site (1): Getting ready

Performance is important. Performance will keep people coming back to your site. Performance is very hard to get right, specially for mobile devices. I’m particularly interested in seeing how my blog ( does in mobile. The first step is to check what t

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Start Testing WordPress’ New Interactivity API

Earlier this year, WordPress contributors announced that they are working on a new Interactivity API that will allow developers to build interactive blocks. This API will support the kinds of front…

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WordPress Performance Analysis Finds Translations May Significantly Slow Down Sites

After a recent in-depth performance analysis earlier this year showed that translations can have an impact on server response times, WordPress contributors are proposing half a dozen technical solutions for consideration to improve performance for the ~56% of WordPress sites that use translations.

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WordPress 6.3 Beta: A Sneak Peek Into the Future of WordPress

WordPress 6.3 Beta has arrived, and it’s set to be released on August 8th, 2023. This upcoming release is packed […]

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BP Classic Add-on

Hello everyone, BuddyPress 12.0.0-beta1 is not yet available, it will soon be 👌, but as explained into the following post, considering the important change we’re introducing in 12.0.0 about t…

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Plugins Weekly 03 – Simple Memberships

Simple works every time, even when setting up a membership website on WordPress. If the Sure Members type of membership solution is your thing, here is a new membership plugin ‘MemberDash’ promising simple membership websites.

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Nobody cares about your blog.

I started writing on my blog some years ago, and since then I’ve had a lot of reasons to stop writing. Here’s a list of why nobody cares about your blog Your blog is not original. There are hundreds of blogs out there, what makes you think yours is different? You’re just probably repeating things […]

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I’ll Keep Looking for a CMS, Unless I Find WordPress

It all started in 1999 in Bombay. A PC was considered a luxury; very few people had one and OS and Windows were synonyms. I was eighteen and a prolific poet, having fallen in love with poetry at a young impressionable age. Like all creators of any sort, I had a need to exhibit my […]

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WordPress Launches Slack/Matrix Bridge

WordPress meta contributors have just logged an important milestone in their efforts to explore replacing Slack communication with Matrix, an open source federated chat system. The team hosted a me…

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Why & How You Should Pay Attention to Security Vulnerability Reporting

With the recent ​Freemius vulnerability​ affecting over 7 million WordPress users, there have been a number of inconsistent reports that have alarmed developers and users alike. These inconsistencies underscore the need for broader understanding of security vulnerability reporting.

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The Current State of WordPress Builders

Do not spend so much time trying to choose the perfect opportunity, that you miss the right opportunity. Michael Dell Updated July 21, 2023 Dynamic WordPress and the Right Builder It is not uncommon to see new and intermediate users struggling with the choice of builder. This one is more…

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Hostinger Client Base Surpasses 2 Million Worldwide

Hostinger reached a significant milestone in July – we officially surpassed two million active subscriptions.

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Altis v16: introducing Afterburner

Upgrade to Altis v16 for optimized WordPress performance with Afterburner, a new PHP extension. Experience faster load times and site speed.

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The state of WordPress developer tools survey results

About two months ago I asked folks to complete the state of WordPress developer tools survey. I had planned to post the results about a week after the survey closed, but a trip to WCEU and another …

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10 Years of Contributing to WordPress

Today marks the 10 year anniversary of receiving my very first “props” for contributing to the WordPress project. In WordPress, giving “props” is the way credit and attribution is given to anyone who contributes to a given change in the software. Props should be given to all those who contributed to the final commit, whether […]

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ClassicPress Community Considers Re-forking WooCommerce for Classic Commerce v2

ClassicPress, the fork that has been keeping WordPress 4.9 on life support for those who don’t want to use the block editor, will soon be moving into version 2.0 after the community voted to re-fork a newer version of WordPress (6.x) to keep moving forward. Version 1.6.0 was released a few weeks ago as the […]

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The WordPress Dashboard Needs Some Love

Let’s be honest: the WordPress dashboard is a mess. The world’s most popular content management system (CMS) is wonderful. But its back end is weighing it down. Where do I even begin? First, there’s clutter. Plugin and theme developers litter the landscape with notifications. Most are of questionable value. And…

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NASA Beta Website Runs on WordPress

We’re in the process of launching an improved NASA website. You’re invited to explore this early, in-progress beta version of our new web experience, and we look forward to your feedback.

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ACF 6.2 Beta 1 Released

We’re excited to announce the first beta release of ACF 6.2 and ACF 6.2 PRO. ACF v6.2.0-beta1 is now available with all new bidirectional fields, admin UI

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Interlude: Gutenberg Moves Fast

If we don’t start slowing down and marking the trail for developers, we will begin haemorrhaging the very people who make WordPress a success.

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WordPress Ninja Forms plugin flaw lets hackers steal submitted data

Popular WordPress form-building plugin Ninja Forms contains three vulnerabilities that could allow attackers to achieve privilege escalation and steal user data.

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Synced Patterns: The Evolution of Reusable Blocks

Synced patterns are replacing Reusable blocks, offering a unified creation experience for new pattern functionality coming to WordPress 6.3. Patterns, first introduced in WordPress 5.5, are a collection of blocks that make it simple to add complex layouts and designs to any WordPress site without starting from scratch. With WordPress 6.3, set to be released […]

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WooWeekly #453: Second Last Order | Payments By Product Type

Hello there, Welcome back to WooWeekly, your weekly appointment with WooCommerce tutorials, tips and updates handpicked for you (and the other 17,602 subscribers) so that you can learn something new. We’ve had crazy temperatures here in Sicily this week (44°C / 111°F yesterday), together with hundreds of devastating fires. Both airports suffered major problems; internet, electricity […]

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What’s new in Gutenberg 16.3? (26 July)

16.3 is largely a maintenance release. This means that lots of bugs have been fixed behind the scenes, though this release does see some enhancements to patterns in addition to plenty of other minor improvements. Read on to find out how working with patterns has been improved. This release consists of 180 pull requests authored […]

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Developing for Multisite

When developing plugins or themes there are certain considerations one needs to make if you want to make sure your plugin or theme supports multisite. In this session, we’ll cover those consi…

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WordPress 6.3 RC2 Released, Watch the Live Product Demo

WordPress 6.3 RC2 has been released and is ready for community testing. Since RC1 landed a week ago, 15 changes have come in from the Editor and Trac, including bug fixes for footnotes, internationalization fixes, a missing command for opening the distraction free in the Site Editor, and a few other issues.

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How User Feedback Shaped Success for the Ivory Search Plugin

For Vinod Dalvi of Ivory Search, the turning point for his WordPress plugin came when he prioritized user feedback. Learn how users can shape your success.

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Bluehost Celebrates 20 Years!

Bluehost turns 20! We are celebrating by taking a walk down the memory lane. Check out our milestones throughout these years.

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Three Major Considerations on Shaping an AI Feature at Automattic

Dan Walmsley shares when contemplating how to shape a feature, there’s at least three major considerations

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WordPress 6.3 Release Candidate 2

WordPress 6.3 RC2 is ready for download and testing. Reaching this part of the release cycle is a key milestone. While release candidates are considered ready for final release, additional testing …

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Learn How to Use WordPress Playground

WordPress Playground, an experimental project that uses WebAssembly (WASM) to run WordPress in the browser, was number 1 on Hacker News recently and was also featured on TechCrunch. Word is getting around about how easy it is to fire up a sandbox environment in just a few seconds for testing plugins and themes and even […]

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WordPress Changes: This Is Now How To Find The ‘Open In New Tab’ Box.

WordPress have hidden the ‘Open in new tab’ box. This post shows you where to find and activate it so that links in your blog posts open in a new window.#WordPress #blogging #bloggingtips #WordPressHelp #HelpWith WordPress #Images #Links

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Redis: Boosting WordPress Performance and Scalability

Boost WordPress performance with Redis. Learn to configure Redis for a faster, more efficient website experience.

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Mojeek Search Engine Adds WordPress’ Openverse to Image Search

Mojeek, a UK-based privacy-oriented search engine, has added Openverse to its image search. For more than 15 years, Mojeek has provided independent, unbiased search without tracking or building pro…

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Announcing a Block Library to Get You Started with Faust.js and Gutenberg

Last week we talked about this new website and how much we poured into it over the last few months. That wasn’t all we’ve been working on though. The mission of Faust.js, and the team building it, is to make WordPress a great headless content management system and our work on that endeavor has pushed […]

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How to Repair Broken Links On Your WordPress Website

When was the last time you checked for broken links on your site? Link Health by Pretty Links finds broken links automatically, so you can get them converting again!

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Post Status Confirms New Community Code of Conduct

Drawing heavily from the WordPress/WordCamp Code of Conduct, Post Status has implemented a new Post Status Community Code of Conduct. While the Post Status Community works really well at self-moderating, a community like ours should always have a standard for conduct. This newly confirmed code of conduct sets a base level for behavior and respect, […]

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23 Amazing WordPress Stats for 2023

In this article, we dive into 23 amazing WordPress stats for 2023 that showcase WordPress’s capabilities and benefits!

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I18N Performance Analysis

A recent in-depth performance analysis of WordPress core showed that loading translations had a significant hit on a site’s server response time. Given that more than half of all WordPress sites us…

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How to Create Relationships – P2 – Using Meta Box and Bricks

It’s easy to create and display the relationships between two objects on your website with Meta Box and Bricks. Let’s see how!

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BuddyPress Docs Update: Two New Arrivals And More

In attendance: @jasonrouet @bouncingsprout @im4th Slack archive The BuddyPress project is very happy to welcome Jason Rouet (@jasonrouet) as our new Documentation leader & Ben Roberts (@bouncin…

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WordCamp Europe 2023

I’m writing this from a hotel room near the airport in Athens, Greece as I get ready to start the trip home. (I’m finishing this post a full two weeks after WordCamp Europe. 🙂 Over the past 12 days, I attended my first WordCamp Europe, my first conference (anywhere) post-COVID, taken the stage as an […]

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How To Create a WordPress Site With Kinsta API

Unlock the full potential of the Kinsta API and create a WordPress site easily. Also learn how to connect Kinsta API and build a custom UI.

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Mobile-first UX considerations: Highlights from a redesign

Coywolf reimagined its site navigation and WordPress theme elements and made unconventional decisions that function well for search engine bots and humans.

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📢 Introducing MainWP Browser Extension

At MainWP, we are committed to enhancing your workflow with exceptional features. As part of this ongoing commitment, I am thrilled to announce the “MainWP

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The default theme series

Introducing the default theme series. Some of these patterns like the themes are functional and some are pure art – they are a mixture to reflect the inspiration sources.

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BobWP on Tumblr

I have had a slow merge into Tumblr, and now I feel like I am hitting the fast lane.

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Ollie Theme Previews New Onboarding Wizard in Development

Unless you are some kind of wizard with the block editor, starting a WordPress website from a blank slate can be overwhelming and ultimately defeating. Mike McAlister, maker of the free Ollie theme…

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WordPress Jetpack Social Paid Plans

Taking a look at the Jetpack Social paid plans.

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WordPress Contributors Demand Transparency and Objective Guidelines for Listings on Recommended Hosting Page

WordPress’ Recommended Hosting page is a hotly contested piece of online real estate, and has recently come into focus again following the removal of SiteGround from the listings. When the ch…

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6.3 Live Product Demo Q&A

Honoring a WordPress tradition, this post will recap the question-and-answer segment of the 6.3 Live Product Demo. 6.3 release squad members, Anne McCarthy and Rich Tabor, prepared a live product d…

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WordPress Vulnerability Report – July 19, 2023

Each week, we report the latest vulnerabilities in WordPress plugins and themes. Vulnerable WordPress plugins and themes are the #1 reason WordPress sites get hacked.

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Preparing Your Site for MySQL 8.0

Official support for MySQL 5.7 ends in October—here’s what you need to know to keep your sites running smoothly.

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Infographic: WordPress plugins & numbers

With in-depth research done on WordPress plugins, the infographic represents the most interesting findings collected from WPRacoon and other resources.

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Using variable fonts in theme.json

If you are trying to use a variable font in your custom block theme via theme.json, you may be running into some issues that I also saw and, mostly, solved.

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The details block in WordPress 6.3 This video (in spanish) shows the operation of the new details block that WordPress 6.3 brings. The details block has been

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Are you ready for WordPress 6.3?

The World of WordPress is buzzing whenever a new release is impending and that’s no difference this time around with 6.3. Lots of interesting things to highlight in number 81 of Inside WordPress. Hope you enjoy it! Want to get in front of 840+ dedicated WordPress friends? Check out ​my sponsoring options​ and reach out […]

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Bring Your WordPress Focused Podcast to Do the Woo

If you have an existing WordPress focused podcast, consider introducing it to our audience at Do the Woo.

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TikTok Shop Beta Program for WooCommerce

WooCommerce merchants can be among the first to bring their stores to TikTok Shop in the US. How to register for the beta program & reach millions of users.

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Community vs Commercial Plugins: What’s the Difference?

WordPress has created categories to help you browse plugins in the directory. Here’s the difference between community vs commercial plugins!

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How WordPress Solopreneurs Can Join/Start a Mastermind Group

You’re back for Part III of our Collective Wisdom series so I’m going to assume you’re keen to have fun and make new friends discuss business topics and overcome challenges with like-minded peers 😉 In this final installment, we’ll show you how to find or start a mastermind group of your own, and then optimize […]

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WordPress 6.3 RC1 • Field Guide • Gutenberg Phase 3

WordPress 6.3 will arrive on August 8, so there isn’t much time left for testing compatibility. Whether you are a plugin or theme maintainer or managing clients’ websites, now is the time to test the latest features. Mike Schroder shares their most anticipated feature with auto-rollbacks coming.Collaborative editing is coming to WordPress, but what might […]

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Deleting 20,000 Spam WordPress Users with WP CLI

While doing a site inspection I noticed that we had over 20,000 spam subscribers on the site with addresses that lead to telegram. The WordPress admin is a terrible way to try and delete users when you have this many to do, so we turned to wp cli. First I noted that the site couldn’t […]

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In pursuit of a more intuitive onboarding experience

Over here at Ollie HQ, we’re working our way towards a public release of the popular Ollie block theme. The theme will remain free, of course, and will be available to download from the repository. This means you’ll be able to install and update the theme directly from your WordPress install! In preparation to […]

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Become A Reputable WordPress Developer

Samer Bechara from Lebanon talks to us about how to become a reputable WordPress developer no matter where you live.

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WordPress 6.3 Accessibility Improvements

With WordPress 6.3 set to launch on August 8th, 2023, this post seeks to provide an overview of the many accessibility improvements and fixes coming to the next major WordPress release. As always, there’s more work to be done with accessibility requiring an ongoing effort and commitment.

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Visualizing Diversity at Automattic

Diversity is essential to Automattic’s culture. As a company with employees from over 100 countries, we believe that embracing different perspectives and backgrounds is key to being creative and productive. Through our different perspectives, we create a happy and safe environment for employees and users. For this reason (and also because it’s right), we strive […]

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WordPress 6.4: What’s on your wishlist?

With WP6.3 scheduled for release on August 8th, let’s start planning for WP6.4! We always aim to fix bugs, add new tools, and make WordPress better than ever for users. Polish and refinem…

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The Not-So-Nice Side of the WordPress Community

I like to think of the WordPress community as a family. The kind that you used to see on TV sitcoms. One where everyone is kind and misunderstandings are comical. Everything’s resolved within 30 minutes. Nice and tidy! You see it in those happy WordCamp photos. And even online gatherings…

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Chorus and WordPress

I woke up this morning to a lot of people sending me the link to today’s Axios story reporting that Vox Media (which includes The Verge, New York Magazine, Polygon, and many other outlets) is moving from its proprietary CMS, Chorus, to WordPress VIP, Automattic’s open source solution for large publishers.

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WooWeekly #452: Anonymize Users & Orders | Get Cross-Sells

Hello there, Welcome back to WooWeekly, your weekly appointment with WooCommerce tutorials, tips and updates handpicked for you (and the other 17,597 subscribers) so that you can learn something new. Today is an important day for Sicily – exactly 30 years ago a bomb killed Paolo Borsellino, right a few weeks after his colleague Giovanni Falcone. […]

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How to Quickly Build a WordPress Website with ChatGPT

Check this article to learn how to build a website using ChatGPT. Using AI to create site pages, site content and help with site design.

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Content Is Never Going to Zero

The cost of content will never be zero. Yes Chat GPT helps product content quickly but there are still important tasks for human editors.

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Life @ Automattic: Q&A with Doyle Irvin of WordPress VIP

What is WordPress VIP? And what exactly does a senior product marketing manager do for the platform? Welcome to Life @ Automattic.

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Generate Group Conversation Topics for Community With ChatGPT

AI Tool: Generate Community Conversation Starters

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WordPress Blocks, Portable Patterns and Pain Points

The block editor is super powerful, but how do we bring in dozens or hundreds of external HTML and CSS patterns?

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Block Patterns in WordPress 6.3

This post explains what a block pattern is in WordPress 6.3, after the reusable blocks and block patterns have been merged into simply patterns.

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Introducing Tutor AI: Real-Time Guidance for Online Learning

Introducing Tutor AI by Sensei, providing real-time interaction with students in an online course.

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WordPress 6.3 Field Guide

This guide shares more of the in-depth changes that you will find in 6.3 and is published with Release Candidate 1 to help inform WordPress developers, extenders, and others.

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WordPress 6.3 Release Candidate 1

WordPress 6.3 RC1 is ready for download and testing. Reaching this part of the release cycle is a key milestone. While release candidates are considered ready for final release, additional testing …

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Vox Media stops using Chorus, proprietary CMS, for its own websites (moves to WordPress)

WordPress’ continued dominance in the space has made it harder to compete.Catch up quick: Vox Media began licensing its proprietary CMS to other publishers in 2018.

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Miscellaneous developer changes in WordPress 6.3

Administration Added the no-store and private directives to the Cache-Control header to prevent caching for logged in users. This prevents sensitive data on logged-in users from being cached and av…

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Miscellaneous Editor changes in WordPress 6.3

In this dev note, you will find a collection of updates of the Transformer handling, a new slotfill in the site editor, TypeScript updates and the post editor being iframed.

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Bundled themes dropping Internet Explorer scripts and styles

Due to very low traffic from Internet Explorer users, and because WordPress no longer supports this obsolete browser, default themes have removed some IE-specific scripts and styles to give everyone else a better experience.

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Proposal for Establishing a Make Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (“DEIB”) Team within the WordPress Community

TL;DR: This proposal suggests establishing a Make Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (“DEIB”) team within the WordPress community to enhance and support the existing DEIB initiatives. Buil…

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Massive Targeted Exploit Campaign Against WooCommerce Payments Underway

The Wordfence Threat Intelligence team has been monitoring an ongoing exploit campaign targeting a recently disclosed vulnerability in WooCommerce Payments, a plugin installed on over 600,000 sites. Large-scale attacks against the vulnerability, assigned CVE-2023-28121, began on Thursday, July 14, 2023 and continued over the weekend, peaking at 1.3 million attacks against 157,000 sites on Saturday, […]

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Gutenberg 16.2 Brings Improvements to Pattern Management, Introduces Vertical Text Orientation

Gutenberg 16.2 was released with a number of important changes to pattern management. Most notably, Reusable blocks have been renamed to Patterns, and the Library section of the Site Editor has been renamed to Patterns. This release also introduces a sync status on the pattern details screen to give more information to site owners when […]

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Introducing the New Gravity Forms Nonprofit License

Gravity Forms is the go-to WordPress form builder for nonprofits around the globe. Find out more about our new Nonprofit License.

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Introducing the WordPress Command Palette API

WordPress 6.3 ships with a new command palette. Initially included in the post and site editors, users can open the command palette using the ctrl + k or command + k keyboard shortcuts. Registering commands The command palette includes a number of core commands that you can use by default including things like: Navigating the […]

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Gravity Forms and Companies Need to Have Branded Podcasts

Branded podcasts should be an central part of any company’s strategy. Here’s how Gravity Forms is doing it with their show, Breakdown.

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Accessibility Expert Adrian Roselli Sued for Wanting Accessibility to be…Accessible

Law Office of Lainey Feingold posted this week that Adrian Roselli is the target of a SLAPP lawsuit filed by Audio Eye, with the purpose to stop him from expressing his opinions about the Audio Eye overlay product.

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Introducing the Block Selectors API

Through the new API, a block can configure multiple CSS selectors for use in generating global styles. These can be set at three different levels; root, feature, and sub-feature.

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