Google Fonts are included locally in bundled themes

With the next updates, WordPress default themes 2012-2017 will now load Google fonts locally, making them GDPR-compliant.

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Freemius: Another Major SDK Change Following User Feedback

We’re excited to share that we’ve done away with the connectivity test upon plugin/theme activation. This was probably one of the user community’s biggest concerns & we’ll continue to be open & responsive to feedback going forward.

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Managing Fonts in WordPress Block Themes

Fonts are a defining characteristic of the design of any site. That includes WordPress themes, where it’s common for theme developers to integrate a service

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Rebuilding my website using a block theme

It’s been a while since I have posted on my blog. In fact almost 2 years now. But it’s been even longer since I have significantly touched the foundation of my website; other than the regular updates, adding a small plugin here or there, my website had been using the same infrastructure and theme since […]

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Is AI content helping or hurting your website?

Are AIs bias hurting the internet of the future by repeating non-inclusive and derogatory content? We’ll show what we can do to improve this.

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Meet the Juniper starter pack

Juniper is our original boilerplate, and the answer to your prayers to get your web development projects up and running quickly and efficiently. We’ve been working on and with it for a while now, and after the last release we’re ready to go more public.

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I18N Improvements in 6.2

There are a number of internationalization (i18n) improvements in WordPress 6.2, which I’d like to cover in this dedicated dev note.

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WordPress Plugin Developers and Escaping late

One major difficulty with passing WordPress org security reviews is escaping late. I wrote this article based on my experience of hardening the plugins I adopted. What does this mean?

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Converting your shortcodes to blocks

Learn tips and tricks for creating blocks from existing shortcodes, based on real world examples. Understand when a shortcode should be converted to a block, processes to follow to convert blocks, and useful block development practices.

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Recap: Sensei Pro LMS Demo for Learn WordPress

Recap: Sensei Pro LMS Demo for Learn WordPress

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Editor Components updates in WordPress 6.2

A round-up post of notable changes to the components package in WordPress 6.2

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WP Rollback: Useful new undo button for WordPress themes and plugins

Have you ever had a plugin or theme update break your WordPress site? It doesn’t tend to happen often, but it has happened to me on occasion. Perhaps a new fea

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People of WordPress: Hauwa Abashiya

People of WordPress feature on Hauwa Abashiya, a project manager in UK and Nigeria, and her enthusiasm for open source.

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WordPress 6.2 Source of Truth

Since becoming a sponsored contributor in the wider WordPress community in 2020, I noticed the same problem repeating with each release: how can one get the most accurate information about the entirety of a release as quickly and painlessly as possible?

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Effortlessly Enhance Your Product Descriptions

We know that creating compelling product descriptions can be challenging, especially if you’re not a skilled writer. That’s why we’re excited to announce that you can now edit your product descriptions and short descriptions directly in Setary. Say goodbye to the hassle of jumping back and forth between your WooCommerce edit product screens – with […]

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The Month in WordPress – February 2023

February has been an exciting month for the WordPress community, with the celebration of the first-ever WordCamp Asia bringing friends and contributors back together in person. But that’s not…

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Revolutionize Your Writing Experience with Handywriter 1.2: Bringing ChatGPT to WordPress

Handywriter 1.2 brings ChatGPT capabilities into your WordPress editor; creating engaging and interactive content has never been easier before.

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WordPress Community on Mastodon Launches “Toot the Word” Survey

Last month’s Twitter outage gave Mastodon a boost, as the company also announced unpopular changes to its API access. People from the WordPress community continue to trickle into the fedivers…

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Let’s Party: Organize your WP20 Celebration On May 27th

Join WordPress enthusiasts from across the globe on May 27, 2023, as they come together to celebrate its 20th anniversary! Regardless of how you use WordPress or where you call home, you are invite…

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Using The WordPress App to Publish Social Posts

I’ve got a not-so-uniqie design challenge that I think a lot of people like me are thinking a bit about right now. To where am I moving now that I’ve become disillusioned with Twitter? I have talked a lot about my excitement for the metaverse, and am certain that, at least in some fashion, I’ll […]

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Headless WordPress: The Complete Guide

In this guide, you’ll learn what headless WordPress is, why you’d need to use it, and when using headless WordPress isn’t the best idea.

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Using WooCommerce for Enterprise

WooCommerce works for more than just small start-up shops. Big brands use WooCommerce for enterprise ecommerce. This post explains.

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WP Engine: Pattern Manager Beta Registration

WP Engine is currently seeking beta testers for an exciting new developer tool called Pattern Manager. This plugin helps WordPress creators build and manage pattern designs for the WordPress block editor. With a dedicated interface, users can easily create, edit, duplicate, and delete WordPress patterns all within a familiar WordPress core experience. Enter your details […]

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WordPress 6.2 Accessibility Improvements

Thank you to @joedolson and @alexstine for collaborating on this post. With WordPress 6.2 set to launch on March 28th, this post seeks to provide an overview of the many accessibility improvements …

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The WordPress “Block Protocol” Plugin Now Available For Download

Access a growing collection of high-quality and powerful blocks with a one-time plugin install.

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WordCamp Asia. Energized, Graciousness and Empathy.

WordCamp Asia in Bangkok was one of the most amazing events I have attended. Here is the BobWP recap of this years WCAsia.

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Changing the Narrative: New Black x Tech Stock Photo Collection

Automattic’s Cocoamattic ERG Partners with to release a collection of 90+ images featuring Black people interacting with technology.

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High Hopes for WordPress

Folks in WordPress and hosting have had a couple of difficult months. A number of organizations have had good old fashioned RIFs (reductions in force) which are never fun those let go or the ones having to do the letting go. I come today to bury, not praise, the layoffs. Of these there is not […]

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WordPress 6.2 Openverse Integration Updated to Upload Inserted Images

WordPress 6.2’s Openverse integration is getting some last minute changes after contributors expressed concerns about it hotlinking images by default. The new feature allows users to quickly …

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The big problem with misinformation in WordPress security

Look at this mess of a mitigation recommendation… I’m not talking about the typo, that is an honest mistake. The

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Website Accessibility Lawsuits are Growing: How WordPress Sites Can Become ADA-Compliant

In this guide, we’ll dive into the Americans with Disabilities Act and what is means to be WordPress ADA compliant.

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WP20 Commemorative Jones Soda Bottles

For an example of how you can create your own commemorative swag to mark the WP20 milestone, check out the Jones Soda Company. You can order your own WP20 soda bottles in various flavors by uploadi…

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Yoast SEO 20.2: Improving our database system

Yoast SEO 20.2 comes with enhancements to our database system powered by indexables. Find out what’s new in today’s release!

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Harnessing Premium WooCommerce Extensions

One of the great things about building a store on a platform as popular as WooCommerce is just how many WooCommerce extensions are available.

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WordPress Hosting and WebP support

The WordPress Hosting Team wants to help set up the necessary elements for WebP to work and be ready, before these new messages are included natively in the WordPress core.

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Deploy WordPress on EC2 by WordPress AMI

AWS Services services that use in this project An Amazon EC2 instance to install and host the WordPress application.

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Proposal: Modify the Events and News widget to show topic-based meetups worldwide

Published on behalf of Amber Hinds (@amberhinds on Make Slack) The purpose of this post is to discuss proposed changes to the Events API that displays upcoming events from meetup groups …

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Gutenberg 15.2 Introduces Revisions for Template Editing

Gutenberg 15.2 is now available with support for revisions when editing templates and template parts. The Site Editor can be an intimidating place if you’re new to making changes there. A few…

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The WordPress Core Performance Team Roadmap 2023

Scope Background The Big Picture Priorities for 2023 Server response time Database optimization JavaScript & CSS Images Measurement Ecosystem tools Props This is the roadmap for the WordPress Core Performance Team, intended to cover priorities for the team throughout 2023.

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Static vs. dynamic blocks: What’s the difference?

The Block Editor offers two types of blocks: static and dynamic. The difference between these two types of blocks comes down to how they are rendered on the front-end. Read on to learn more about the details, advantages, and disadvantages of each.

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I Gave a WordPress Taxonomy an Expiration Date Using BerlinDB

Content about Alex Standiford, his life, and his ongoing pursuit of life.

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Openverse integration: sideload images when inserted #48394

“The Openverse integration “only” hotlinks the images from their source. While that works for now, it means that you may find yourself with broken images on your site if the original site were to go down, or if the original image were removed…” Also GDPR and privacy issues to consider.

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WooCommerce vs Adobe Commerce (2023)

WooCommerce and Adobe Commerce are two popular e-commerce platforms available today. They both have their unique strengths and are suitable for different needs. While WooCommerce is a plugin for WordPress, Adobe Commerce is a standalone product, formerly known as Magento. They are supported by their strong communities, with WordPress users favoring WooCommerce and Adobe advocates […]

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PHP Themes Aren’t Dead

Is there still a place for PHP themes in the WordPress ecosystem? Absolutely! Block Themes are targeted towards the “no code” crowd. If you’re a modern PHP developer, you will have a worse experience developing FSE themes versus building a hybrid theme that uses both PHP along with the block editor… Long live hybrid themes.

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Noodling on WordPress in 2023

I was catching up on Matt’s latest State of Word the other day.WordPress has changed a heck of a lot over the past few years….Part of me thinks WordPress needs to spend a year working on DX… Another part of me thinks… maybe that’s exactly what they just did with Block Themes.

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The Museum of Block Art (MOBA) Celebrates 20 Years of WordPress

The Museum of Block Art (MOBA) is a WordPress website that features unique artistic works created using Gutenberg, the WordPress block editor. The site is currently running a call for submissions f…

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Highlights of Matt’s Q&A At WordCamp Asia 2023

Matt wasn’t able to be there in person, but (despite some technical issues) was able to communicate on the big screen with Josepha Haden and Nirav Mehta hitting on stage in front of him.

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Prison Journalism Project Launches Prison Newspaper Project on WordPress

The Prison Journalism Project (PJP), a non-profit organization founded in April 2020, trains incarcerated writers to be journalists and publishes their stories with the goal of empowering them to b…

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Nothing But Love for Five for the Future

Five for the Future is a WordPress initiative that website agency WebDevStudios contributes to regularly. Learn more in this blog post.

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Making and Questioning Assumptions: Falsehoods WordPress Developers Believe

It’s easy to look at a list of requirements and think that things are true, but we need to question the assumptions we are making in the process or to paraphrase Leo, “Reject the premise of the requirements”. So let’s reject the premise and look at some of the Falsehoods WordPress Developers Believe.

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5 more WordPress myths busted

From scalability to ecommerce suitability, join our WordPress Mythbusters as we turn things upside-down and explore some ‘stranger myths’!

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Automattic Releases Bibimbap, a Free Block Theme for Restaurants

Automattic has a new theme in the WordPress Themes Directory. Bibimbap, named for a beloved Korean comfort food, is a restaurant theme. It is described as “simple and fun” but does not …

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Revisiting WordPress Core Support Policy for WooCommerce

At present, WooCommerce follows an L-2 support policy, meaning it supports the latest version of WordPress and the two preceding versions. This approach was chosen to ensure optimal performance and…

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Active Installs is Gone

Active Installs app is no longer online. This post will tell you what happened to the service and help you find an alternative tool.

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Intrinsic design, theming, and rethinking how to design with WordPress

One of the oft-repeated questions in developer circles who have closely followed WordPress’ revolution via the Gutenberg project has been: When are we going to get more responsive controls? Specifically, this question is often framed around the ability to change some design element of a block based on desktop, tablet, or mobile views. This is an […]

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Post Status Case Study: Shadow Gambit

Mimimi Games came to their friends at Luehrsen // Heinrich with a challenge. They were about to launch a new Triple A game, but while the game would be

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What framework should I use?

What framework should I use? | Go Make Things If you’re top priority is paid employment, right now, React is a great choice for that. True. But… If your priority is long-term resilience and maintainability, vanilla JS (probably with a light build process on top of it) is the ideal choice.

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WordCamp Asia 2023 – Google Photos Album

2306 new items added to shared album

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The Dangers of Installing Nulled WordPress Themes and Plugins

Nulled WordPress themes and plugins are a controversial topic for many in the web development world — and arguably one of the bigger threats to WordPress security. Essentially modified versions of official WordPress themes and plugins

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Adding SVG to the Block Editor

Out of the box, WordPress does not allow uploading SVG files for security reasons. If you want to be able to upload SVGs into the block editor (or anywhere else in WP) there are some plugins to activate the support for SVGs like any other image.

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Necroposting – blogging from before you started blogging

Jon Hicks has a lovely blog post about his site’s design. In it, he briefly touches on something I find interesting: Blogging like it’s 1972 I also finally realised that there’s n…

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WordPress Has Evolved — It’s Time We Solve The User Experience

WordPress is more than a blogging tool. It’s evolved into a multi-billion dollar industry used by some of the most well-known brands worldwide, whilst directly, and indirectly supporting hundreds of thousands of industry jobs. And while plugins have evolved to be more sophisticated the user experience is still less than desirable across our ecosystem.

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WordPress without blog: a logical evolution for the CMS?

No, you’re not dreaming. This provocative questioning is very serious. Isn’t it time to remove the “blog” feature from the WordPress core? The idea came to me while reading this article by Jack Kitterhing on WordPress user experience. Let me elaborate and we’ll talk about it in the comments.

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Developing WordPress Blocks without React

One of the most common complaints I hear from long term WordPress developers boils down to the fact that to develop blocks for the WordPress Block Editor, you need to set up the JavaScript development environment  in order to start building blocks… This is not entirely true.

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6.2 Live Product Demo (3/2/23)

This summary post provides information regarding the forthcoming live stream and live preview of what’s coming in WordPress 6.2.  Date, Time, and Location The event will take place on  via Zoo…

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Introducing Blocks 3.0

Kadence Blocks was built in the early days of the WordPress block editor. In fact, it was initially released over three months before the block editor was part of WordPress core. In a lot of ways, we’ve been all in on the block editor since the beginning, but this has also meant we’ve had to […]

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Remote work: positions and hiring process

Looking for a remote work opportunity but don’t know how the hiring process is? In this post, I share some tips on places where to find remote work positions and things about the hiring process I wish someone told me before.

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Wutsearch: Search Engine Launchpad

Recently launched a simple one-page website called Wutsearch. Wutsearch is a search-engine launchpad that I use for my homepage. Usually I work with several browsers open, each set to open multiple tabs on startup. For a long time, all those tabs were set to the Google homepage. Then DuckDuckGo. Now, it’s Wutsearch 🚀

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Betrayed by WordPress

I have been working in WordPress for the length of my dev career. Up until now, that choice has been good to me. But recently, I have been questioning that very decsion. With the entire ecosystem heading toward JavaScript first, php winds up fading into the background. The very language that allowed WordPress to take […]

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20 Years of WordPress Jazz

Celebrate the 20th anniversary of WordPress by exploring this collection of 46 tracks on Spotify. From Miles Davis to Mikhail “Misha” Alperin, this playlist celebrates 20 years of WordPress release…

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How to Start Your Blog in 2023

Running your own blog helps you keep an online journal of your life and thoughts that doesn’t depend on unreliable tech platforms like Facebook or Twitter. But this process is still needlessly complicated and certainly not user-friendly for regular people.

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In November 2022, raised concerns with the WordPress community (and the broader community of accessibility professionals) after it added an accessibility overlay to its website, powered …

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How WordPress Media Management Can Be Improved

In addition, there are an untold number of plugins for enhancing the Media Library. It’s another example of the WordPress community stepping up to fill gaps in the core software. Still, it seems clear that some of these features should be baked into the core. Here’s a look at a few areas where WordPress media […]

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Proposal: Updates to the WordPress Release Cycle

In the WordPress release cycle, feature freeze happens when the first beta version is released. “Feature freeze” means that development of new features and enhancements ends, and work continues on testing them and fixing bugs. They have to be ready for testing and committed to core before the freeze, before Beta 1 is released.

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Registration for WPCampus 2023 will open February 22, 2023

The WPCampus community is thrilled to announce that registration for WPCampus 2023 will open next week on Wednesday, February 22, 2023. And registration won’t be the only thing up for grabs: you will also be able to reserve your on-campus lodging, respond to our call for presenters, and become a sponsor.

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Wordfence Adds Two Factor Auth for WooCommerce Customers

Wordfence 7.9.0 has been released and it includes a very exciting feature for WooCommerce sites and other WordPress sites wanting to make two factor authentication (2fa) available to their site users or members. Wordfence 7.9.0 now lets you give your users the ability to configure 2fa on their profile pages. For WooCommerce websites, by enabling […]

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Block theme resources roundup

If you have been wondering how to learn everything you can about block theme development, then this post is for you. The links in this post have been collected from official WordPress sources and categorized to help you learn more about block themes and related topics.

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WordPress Export/Import vs. WP Migrate

The WordPress export/import tools are best suited for moving blog posts and comments. An actual site migration requires more advanced tools, like WP Migrate.

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ChatWP – The WordPress docs chatbot

I’m an AI chatbot that gives direct answers to your WordPress questions. I’ve been trained on all the official WordPress documentation and will do my best to answer your questions accurately and truthfully.

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Is AI content helping or hurting your website?

Are AI tools actually helping us? Should we be using them to create our content? This blog post will discuss AI content and why we should be mindful of how we use it.

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Business Roundup Week Ending February 17 Bogus URL Shorteners Redirect Thousands of Hacked Sites in AdSense Fraud Campaign A recent report from Sucuri revealed a major AdSense fraud campaign that has affected over 10,000 WordPress sites. The campaign redirects traffic to fake websites to generate revenue through AdSense ads. Additionally, Sucuri’s report outlines several best practices for web admins to […]

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Tough Month at Human Made

The passed few weeks have been a whilwind at Human Made. We made the decision to downsize the company to meet the customer demand we have been able to generate, rather than what we had planned for.

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WordPress Unveils Commemorative 20th Anniversary Wapuu

The global WordPress community is celebrating the 20th anniversary of the software’s first release on May 27, 2023.

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BuddyPress 11.1.0 Maintenance Release

Immediately available is BuddyPress 11.1.0. This maintenance release fixes 3 bugs. For details on the changes, please read the 11.1.0 release notes.

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