Two weeks ago we hosted a live workshop on all things @gravityforms + @OpenAI. In-depth use cases and model fine-tuning were explored. We also spent a good chunk answering your most pressing questions. Want to watch it?

Two weeks ago we hosted a live workshop on all things @gravityforms + @OpenAI . In-depth use cases and model fine-tuning were explored. We also spent a good chunk answering your most pressing questions. Want to watch it?

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I want to show you *exactly* why WordPress core needs to disable its default enabling of attachment pages. cc @photomatt I just Googled [acf query loop]. I clicked on the #1 result. It’s a page on the @wp_acf site and I thought “boom”. Turns out: it’s an attachment page! It… Show more

I want to show you *exactly* why WordPress core needs to disable its default enabling of attachment pages. cc @photomatt I just Googled . I clicked on the #1 result. It’s a page on the @wp_acf site and I thought “boom”. Turns out: it’s an attachment page! It… Show more

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It’s done!! It’s the new video on our homepage. Thoughts? Feedback? (just say it’s good. I’m too tired to fix anything)

It’s done!! It’s the new video on our homepage. Thoughts? Feedback? (just say it’s good. I’m too tired to fix anything)

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Just got a message from @stripe that they cannot support @openstream’s Swiss Wapuu #NFT Collection #WooCommerce store due to a lack of capacity and will close our #Stripe account just 2 days before the planned launch of the project end of March.

Just got a message from @stripe that they cannot support @openstream ‘s Swiss Wapuu #NFT Collection #WooCommerce store due to a lack of capacity and will close our #Stripe account just 2 days before the planned launch of the project end of March.

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We will reach out to you soon regarding this page… as it has some really off and untrue statements Don’t know if it was proof checked by your team but not good. We believe in fair comparisons and fair competition, I’m sure it was just a mistake. No hard… Show more

We will reach out to you soon regarding this page… as it has some really off and untrue statements Don’t know if it was proof checked by your team but not good. We believe in fair comparisons and fair competition, I’m sure it was just a mistake. No hard… Show more

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I’m working on my talk for @cloudfest and could use your help! What is the most important thing for web agencies looking for in a host? (Specifically the bulk of the agency space – small-med agencies) For themselves and their clients. Thanks

I’m working on my talk for @cloudfest and could use your help! What is the most important thing for web agencies looking for in a host? (Specifically the bulk of the agency space – small-med agencies) For themselves and their clients. Thanks

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Here I go… My GitHub Sponsors profile is live! You can sponsor me to support my content for #WordPress theme developers. Don’t see an option that speaks to you? Let me know what I can do to support you!

Here I go… My GitHub Sponsors profile is live! You can sponsor me to support my content for #WordPress theme developers. Don’t see an option that speaks to you? Let me know what I can do to support you!

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WP Umbrella’s brand new Client Management feature helps you create more personalized client reports and build stronger relationships. #WordPress

WP Umbrella’s brand new Client Management feature helps you create more personalized client reports and build stronger relationships. #WordPress

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New US strategy on cybersecurity — the tl;dr

New US strategy on cybersecurity — the tl;dr

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Tip for my fellow WordPress designers & developers: before you take on any project, make sure you’re willing to be responsible for future issues or updates, even if you’re not officially offering ongoing support #WordPress

Tip for my fellow WordPress designers & developers: before you take on any project, make sure you’re willing to be responsible for future issues or updates, even if you’re not officially offering ongoing support #WordPress

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I’m thrilled to see that Automattic is backing the ActivityPub plugin! This is a big deal for WordPress and it’s future, and it gladdens me to see heavy hitters like A8C contributing to something as important as this.… #WordPress #Mastodon #OpenWeb

I’m thrilled to see that Automattic is backing the ActivityPub plugin! This is a big deal for WordPress and it’s future, and it gladdens me to see heavy hitters like A8C contributing to something as important as this.… #WordPress #Mastodon #OpenWeb

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Our brand Block Theme “Avalon” comes with full-page layouts. Get a head start on creating your pages by adding whole predefined layouts with just one click Discover Avalon: #WooCommerce #WordPress #Gutenberg #Fashion

Our brand Block Theme “Avalon” comes with full-page layouts. Get a head start on creating your pages by adding whole predefined layouts with just one click Discover Avalon: #WooCommerce #WordPress #Gutenberg #Fashion

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Think Full Site Editing in #WordPress isn’t ready yet? Think again. The screenshot on the left is what I designed (in the Site Editor), starting with the screenshot on the right. Viva la @powdermade.

Think Full Site Editing in #WordPress isn’t ready yet? Think again. The screenshot on the left is what I designed (in the Site Editor), starting with the screenshot on the right. Viva la @powdermade .

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Am I crazy or is there no legit, respected source for hiring WP dev talent (freelance or full time)? Seems like the only place people look is something like Upwork or whatever that is more general in nature.

Am I crazy or is there no legit, respected source for hiring WP dev talent (freelance or full time)? Seems like the only place people look is something like Upwork or whatever that is more general in nature.

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Over the last couple of days I took the entire WP Builds website – – over to blocks. I’m sure that some things have been missed, and there were some surprises on the way, but it’s (hopefully) easier to manage now! Yay!

Over the last couple of days I took the entire WP Builds website – – over to blocks. I’m sure that some things have been missed, and there were some surprises on the way, but it’s (hopefully) easier to manage now! Yay!

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To my wonderful WordPress developer friends in Bangladesh. Instead of launching a new form builder every few weeks why not innovate in a variety of other niches? Who’s going to build the next WooCommerce? Yoast? Elementor? Event Calendar? There is more to WordPress than forms.

To my wonderful WordPress developer friends in Bangladesh. Instead of launching a new form builder every few weeks why not innovate in a variety of other niches? Who’s going to build the next WooCommerce? Yoast? Elementor? Event Calendar? There is more to WordPress than forms.

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This day was going to come eventually. It will be interesting to see how Mika is replaced without the directory caving in.… Thank you for your tireless efforts over the last 10 years to make the plugin directory better for everyone.

This day was going to come eventually. It will be interesting to see how Mika is replaced without the directory caving in.… Thank you for your tireless efforts over the last 10 years to make the plugin directory better for everyone.

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Writing a custom “accordion” block for #WordPress is basically Gutenberg’s version of a “Todo List App”. There’s a million already out there, but everyone needs to do it for themselves at least once.

Writing a custom “accordion” block for #WordPress is basically Gutenberg’s version of a “Todo List App”. There’s a million already out there, but everyone needs to do it for themselves at least once.

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Damn. @Ipstenu is stepping down from the #WordPress plugin review team. All the best, you do what’s right for you. You have been _awesome_. So damn awesome.

Damn. @Ipstenu is stepping down from the #WordPress plugin review team. All the best, you do what’s right for you. You have been _awesome_. So damn awesome.

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The idea is that you have maximum scale & performance, with all your sites running in isolated, high-performance containers, BUT with the ease of use of building in WordPress. Your customers can manage their sites from one dashboard under your brand & domain.

The idea is that you have maximum scale & performance, with all your sites running in isolated, high-performance containers, BUT with the ease of use of building in WordPress. Your customers can manage their sites from one dashboard under your brand & domain.

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Here’s another peak behind the curtain of our upcoming major release. Create your own WaaS/SaaS directly inside WordPress using your favorite pagebuilder. Have all the sites on your platform launched directly into your own white-label Private Cloud.

Here’s another peak behind the curtain of our upcoming major release. Create your own WaaS/SaaS directly inside WordPress using your favorite pagebuilder. Have all the sites on your platform launched directly into your own white-label Private Cloud.

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A good reminder to keep on top of the support for your free WordPress plugins Resolved support topics is a key ranking factor

A good reminder to keep on top of the support for your free WordPress plugins Resolved support topics is a key ranking factor

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When was the last time you purchased a theme on Themeforest?

When was the last time you purchased a theme on Themeforest?

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Released a long-overdue v1.4.0 update to the Syntax-highlighting Code Block (with Server-side Rendering). This plugin version fixes various bugs and ensures compatibility with WordPress 6.2:

Released a long-overdue v1.4.0 update to the Syntax-highlighting Code Block (with Server-side Rendering). This plugin version fixes various bugs and ensures compatibility with WordPress 6.2:

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Our Open Source Practice released a utilities library for WordPress end-to-end testing using Cypress! Check out Cypress Utilities for WordPress 0.1.0, available now:

Our Open Source Practice released a utilities library for WordPress end-to-end testing using Cypress! Check out Cypress Utilities for WordPress 0.1.0, available now:

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I hear you, not everyone will need it. However, there’s a large amount of ACF users that use another plugin to register CPTs and then use ACF for custom fields. It’s a common workflow we want to smooth out. We’re still concentrating on custom field improvements too!

I hear you, not everyone will need it. However, there’s a large amount of ACF users that use another plugin to register CPTs and then use ACF for custom fields. It’s a common workflow we want to smooth out. We’re still concentrating on custom field improvements too!

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Why is acf going down the post type/taxonomy. Why can’t it concentrate on what it is good at Never have I wanted the ability to use it to create such things. Madness.

Why is acf going down the post type/taxonomy. Why can’t it concentrate on what it is good at Never have I wanted the ability to use it to create such things. Madness.

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Want to display all your social media feeds in one place? My team at @smashballoon just released Social Wall 2.0!! It lets you display your Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube feed in one spot with full customization control. Check it out:…

Want to display all your social media feeds in one place? My team at @smashballoon just released Social Wall 2.0!! It lets you display your Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube feed in one spot with full customization control. Check it out:…

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Watch this #WordPress video to learn how to migrate a shortcode or widget-based #plugin to blocks.

Watch this #WordPress video to learn how to migrate a shortcode or widget-based #plugin to blocks.

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My first @wpcodelibrary snippet! Load all Customizer “Additional CSS” in Block Editor

My first @wpcodelibrary snippet! Load all Customizer “Additional CSS” in Block Editor

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Today we are excited to introduce Divi VIP, a new service that provides super-fast support around the clock plus big discounts in the Divi Marketplace. Put us in your corner and we’ll give you the support you need to run a great web design business.

Today we are excited to introduce Divi VIP, a new service that provides super-fast support around the clock plus big discounts in the Divi Marketplace. Put us in your corner and we’ll give you the support you need to run a great web design business.

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Hey Podcasters! You’ve all been asking, so this one’s for you. The Podcast Pro Starter Template is live! It was created with the Seriously Simple Podcasting plugin, so all you have to do is add your episodes and enjoy this templates sleek design…

Hey Podcasters! You’ve all been asking, so this one’s for you. The Podcast Pro Starter Template is live! It was created with the Seriously Simple Podcasting plugin, so all you have to do is add your episodes and enjoy this templates sleek design…

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It’s been a pretty intense few weeks in my life as a WordPress-focused Developer Advocate. With some time to reflect while I pause before considering my professional future, I have some thoughts to share in the spirit of paying it forward. #WordPress #devrel #developeradvocacy

It’s been a pretty intense few weeks in my life as a WordPress-focused Developer Advocate. With some time to reflect while I pause before considering my professional future, I have some thoughts to share in the spirit of paying it forward. #WordPress #devrel #developeradvocacy

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WordPress enthusiasts – we’re working on a new product, @InboxWP to solve everything related to transactional emails. If you want to be a beta tester of the platform, feel free to drop your email and I’d personally invite you for an early sneak peek and get your feedback

WordPress enthusiasts – we’re working on a new product, @InboxWP to solve everything related to transactional emails. If you want to be a beta tester of the platform, feel free to drop your email and I’d personally invite you for an early sneak peek and get your feedback

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MASSIVE Changes are coming to ACF (Free & Pro). Let’s take a first look at what’s coming in 6.1 when it’s released! @wp_acf

MASSIVE Changes are coming to ACF (Free & Pro). Let’s take a first look at what’s coming in 6.1 when it’s released! @wp_acf

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It’s Women’s History Month, so celebrate a woman or non-binary person who inspires you by tagging them in a comment and sharing why you admire them. We want to celebrate them, too! #WomensHistoryMonth #CelebratingWomen #InternationalWomensDay

It’s Women’s History Month, so celebrate a woman or non-binary person who inspires you by tagging them in a comment and sharing why you admire them. We want to celebrate them, too! #WomensHistoryMonth #CelebratingWomen #InternationalWomensDay

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People with WordPress theme and plugin support teams – how many tickets/responses per day is it reasonable to expect each support engineer to handle? I want to calculate the ideal support team size based on the volume of tickets. #wpproducttalk

People with WordPress theme and plugin support teams – how many tickets/responses per day is it reasonable to expect each support engineer to handle? I want to calculate the ideal support team size based on the volume of tickets. #wpproducttalk

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It’s so hard as a small business who genuinely try to serve their customers well to fight against all the marketing BS from competitors. There are companies who we know are terrible but have super slick sales and marketing teams. Sometimes it doesn’t feel worth the fight.

It’s so hard as a small business who genuinely try to serve their customers well to fight against all the marketing BS from competitors. There are companies who we know are terrible but have super slick sales and marketing teams. Sometimes it doesn’t feel worth the fight.

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Thank you so much @anjum_prema Really happy to be featured on this post along with the wonderful WordPress women I admire @michelleames, @devinmaeztri, @AfshanaDiya & @MumtahinaFagun1 #WomenInWordPress

Thank you so much @anjum_prema Really happy to be featured on this post along with the wonderful WordPress women I admire @michelleames , @devinmaeztri , @AfshanaDiya & @MumtahinaFagun1 #WomenInWordPress

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Brand New Release: User Registration Add-On 5.1 We are pleased to announce the release of User Registration 5.1. Find out more about the add-on and what’s included in this update… #WordPress #FormBuilder #WordPressPlugins

Brand New Release: User Registration Add-On 5.1 We are pleased to announce the release of User Registration 5.1. Find out more about the add-on and what’s included in this update… #WordPress #FormBuilder #WordPressPlugins

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I can’t recall seeing many (or any) guides on redesigning a multisite install. So I wrote one!

I can’t recall seeing many (or any) guides on redesigning a multisite install. So I wrote one!

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Probably one of the more important slides from the 2023 WordPress Professionals report by @kylevandeusen. Sample size is “just” 667, but these numbers reflect what I hear from other sources. My key takeaway:

Probably one of the more important slides from the 2023 WordPress Professionals report by @kylevandeusen . Sample size is “just” 667, but these numbers reflect what I hear from other sources. My key takeaway:

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„Due to privacy concerns, the themes from Twenty Twelve to Twenty Seventeen will not fetch their fonts from Google addresses, starting with the next version“. #WordPress

„Due to privacy concerns, the themes from Twenty Twelve to Twenty Seventeen will not fetch their fonts from Google addresses, starting with the next version“. #WordPress

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At this point the only #WordPress plugin that won’t have some “AI” in it by the end of the week will be Hello Dolly.

At this point the only #WordPress plugin that won’t have some “AI” in it by the end of the week will be Hello Dolly.

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Yes, support for even PHP 8.0 is considered beta in WP 6.1.

Yes, support for even PHP 8.0 is considered beta in WP 6.1.

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My favorite software improvements & features are the ones that no one is talking about and probably 1 person noticed or requested… To all y’all pouring energy & love into the details, leaning hard into nuance, and carving deep into edge-cases & niches, I see & appreciate you

My favorite software improvements & features are the ones that no one is talking about and probably 1 person noticed or requested… To all y’all pouring energy & love into the details, leaning hard into nuance, and carving deep into edge-cases & niches, I see & appreciate you

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who’s your favorite WordPress person?

who’s your favorite WordPress person?

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It’s Wednesday, and on Wednesday we help awesome people find awesome jobs in #WordPress. Comment below with any open positions in your company or that you know about. (I’ll list a bunch, too.) Together, we make our community stronger. #workwednesday #wordpressjobs

It’s Wednesday, and on Wednesday we help awesome people find awesome jobs in #WordPress. Comment below with any open positions in your company or that you know about. (I’ll list a bunch, too.) Together, we make our community stronger. #workwednesday #wordpressjobs

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And don’t forget that time when @WomenWhoWP was featured in the @WSJ! #greatmemories #greatwork #remotework #WordPress #BHChat

And don’t forget that time when @WomenWhoWP was featured in the @WSJ ! #greatmemories #greatwork #remotework #WordPress #BHChat

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WordPress Layoffs: Some Resources (Source: Post Status) #dailybolt

WordPress Layoffs: Some Resources (Source: Post Status) #dailybolt

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The topic of #layoffs in #WordPress is in every recent conversation. Instead of writing about the layoffs themselves, we’re here to help with some resources. If you’ve been affected by recent layoffs, we’re cheering for you!… by @michelleames

The topic of #layoffs in #WordPress is in every recent conversation. Instead of writing about the layoffs themselves, we’re here to help with some resources. If you’ve been affected by recent layoffs, we’re cheering for you!… by @michelleames

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Definitely be cautious about bulk generating alt text. Bad AI-generated alt or alt added to images that shouldn’t have any is a top complaint by screen reader users about accessibility overlays. If you use a tool like this, a human still needs to check it.

Definitely be cautious about bulk generating alt text. Bad AI-generated alt or alt added to images that shouldn’t have any is a top complaint by screen reader users about accessibility overlays. If you use a tool like this, a human still needs to check it.

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Wicked Block Builder. I use it for building custom blocks on all of my client projects that use Gutenberg.

Wicked Block Builder. I use it for building custom blocks on all of my client projects that use Gutenberg.

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There will be a point where we’ll look back at WordPress and wonder if the four phases of Gutenberg and the years it took to complete them were worth it

There will be a point where we’ll look back at WordPress and wonder if the four phases of Gutenberg and the years it took to complete them were worth it

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There’s a whole bunch more WordPress hosting layoffs today. I can’t think of more than one or two big hosts that haven’t done them at this point in 2023. @michelleames and @post_status are probably the best accounts for finding new roles.

There’s a whole bunch more WordPress hosting layoffs today. I can’t think of more than one or two big hosts that haven’t done them at this point in 2023. @michelleames and @post_status are probably the best accounts for finding new roles.

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We are rewriting our entire dashboard, which took 5 years to build, using github copilot. We were aiming to finish the project in 2 weeks, but I think it will take 3. In the end we would not have written 1 line of code. Only instructions to AI.

We are rewriting our entire dashboard, which took 5 years to build, using github copilot. We were aiming to finish the project in 2 weeks, but I think it will take 3. In the end we would not have written 1 line of code. Only instructions to AI.

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Having a play around with @MRcrocoblock right now, testing out some things for a new project. Exciting times. Woot. Super nice to see them embracing the block editor for stuff. Seriously eyeing up this, for example:

Having a play around with @MRcrocoblock right now, testing out some things for a new project. Exciting times. Woot. Super nice to see them embracing the block editor for stuff. Seriously eyeing up this, for example:

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WordCamp Asia 2023 event… recently published recap post from MasterWP –… via_WPWeekly_135 #WordPress #wcasia @_MasterWP

WordCamp Asia 2023 event… recently published recap post from MasterWP –… via_WPWeekly_135 #WordPress #wcasia @_MasterWP

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In what might be the most ironic thing to ever happen in my career, my position on the community team at Pantheon has been eliminated on my 1st anniversary as an employee. My DMs are open and I’m happy to chat if you have questions

In what might be the most ironic thing to ever happen in my career, my position on the community team at Pantheon has been eliminated on my 1st anniversary as an employee. My DMs are open and I’m happy to chat if you have questions

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Anyone using AI/ChatGPT in interesting ways or on interesting projects? DM me for an opportunity to share.

Anyone using AI/ChatGPT in interesting ways or on interesting projects? DM me for an opportunity to share.

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My Confetti plugin works with a lot of plugins so far, but any that I am missing?… WC EDD Gravity Forms WP Forms Ninja Forms Formidable Forms Forminator Contact Form 7 WS Form LifterLMS LearnDash WP Simple Pay Restrict Content Pro PMP Charitable GiveWP

My Confetti plugin works with a lot of plugins so far, but any that I am missing?… WC EDD Gravity Forms WP Forms Ninja Forms Formidable Forms Forminator Contact Form 7 WS Form LifterLMS LearnDash WP Simple Pay Restrict Content Pro PMP Charitable GiveWP

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WordPress celebrates it’s 20th anniversary this year (May 27)! Use and show us a snap of the first website you built in #WordPress. Here’s a snap of the site from 2003. We think you’ll agree, we’ve come a long way in 20 years!

WordPress celebrates it’s 20th anniversary this year (May 27)! Use and show us a snap of the first website you built in #WordPress. Here’s a snap of the site from 2003. We think you’ll agree, we’ve come a long way in 20 years!

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It’s here – our new #AI + #WordPress + #a11y project! Instantly generate alternative text for every image – making accessibility and search engine optimization easy. Powered by our unique mix of artificial-intelligence image and language models.

It’s here – our new #AI + #WordPress + #a11y project! Instantly generate alternative text for every image – making accessibility and search engine optimization easy. Powered by our unique mix of artificial-intelligence image and language models.

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With over 10,000 users, I’m trying something new for v1.5.0 of @theiconblock. Each major release will now have a “Release Candidate”. Use the link below to download and test RC1. I’m really excited about this one! Drop zones + Media Library uploads =…

With over 10,000 users, I’m trying something new for v1.5.0 of @theiconblock . Each major release will now have a “Release Candidate”. Use the link below to download and test RC1. I’m really excited about this one! Drop zones + Media Library uploads =…

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I’m now streaming my WordPress development experiments on Twitch!

I’m now streaming my WordPress development experiments on Twitch!

Read more » ! It’s like iCloud for WordPress, tons of amazing tech and ways to enhance sites. ! It’s like iCloud for WordPress, tons of amazing tech and ways to enhance sites.

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This Week in WordPress #243 The WordPress news from the last week which commenced Monday 27th February 2023.…

This Week in WordPress #243 The WordPress news from the last week which commenced Monday 27th February 2023.…

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I’m looking to create a getting started/quick start guide for Newsletter Glue and looking for inspiration. @GiveWP’s is my gold standard.… Do you know of any others?

I’m looking to create a getting started/quick start guide for Newsletter Glue and looking for inspiration. @GiveWP ‘s is my gold standard.… Do you know of any others?

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Our domain registry @xyz has blocked That’s why you may see the sites as down. We have posted about the incident here – and will continue to update as we receive more updates from them. PS: Your data is safe with us.

Our domain registry @xyz has blocked That’s why you may see the sites as down. We have posted about the incident here – and will continue to update as we receive more updates from them. PS: Your data is safe with us.

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Taking advantage of being the one who runs @WPShowoff and added my own client site I put live last week. I’m coming around to using page builders with each project vs custom theme + ACF and @BeaverBuilder has been in my toolkit for a while so I know it (and own a license).

Taking advantage of being the one who runs @WPShowoff and added my own client site I put live last week. I’m coming around to using page builders with each project vs custom theme + ACF and @BeaverBuilder has been in my toolkit for a while so I know it (and own a license).

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Just when you think it can’t get any better… We hit our 10-year milestone & get the opportunity to celebrate our awesome customers with a MASSIVE shoutout in Times Square! TY to my amazing team& to @syedbalkhi & @wpbeginner for believing in us Go @memberpress!

Just when you think it can’t get any better… We hit our 10-year milestone & get the opportunity to celebrate our awesome customers with a MASSIVE shoutout in Times Square! TY to my amazing team& to @syedbalkhi & @wpbeginner for believing in us Go @memberpress !

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A WordPress Survey Plugin to Capture Important Visitor Opinions

A WordPress Survey Plugin to Capture Important Visitor Opinions

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This is so damn clever. I think WordPress needs to launch a band named WordPress Alternative! From @goodmarketinghq, which is one of my favorite marketing example newsletters.

This is so damn clever. I think WordPress needs to launch a band named WordPress Alternative! From @goodmarketinghq , which is one of my favorite marketing example newsletters.

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“Every contribution to #WordPress can help to sustain it directly & enable one to succeed. Being a contributor is an opportunity to show not only one’s credibility but also expertise.” – @HariShanker on the ‘Five for the Future’ project. @wordcampasia #WCAsia #BluehostAtWCAsia

“Every contribution to #WordPress can help to sustain it directly & enable one to succeed. Being a contributor is an opportunity to show not only one’s credibility but also expertise.” – @HariShanker on the ‘Five for the Future’ project. @wordcampasia #WCAsia #BluehostAtWCAsia

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Step 1: Visit Step 2: Type W D S Step 3: Enjoy a moment of WordPress Zen to start your week!

Step 1: Visit Step 2: Type W D S Step 3: Enjoy a moment of WordPress Zen to start your week!

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With 60K+ WordPress plugin available, chances are you’ll run into bugs combining some of them. In order to find the bug, you need code profiling. Here are a few different solutions that help you towards your goal of debugging anything bug-related going on in your WordPress site:

With 60K+ WordPress plugin available, chances are you’ll run into bugs combining some of them. In order to find the bug, you need code profiling. Here are a few different solutions that help you towards your goal of debugging anything bug-related going on in your WordPress site:

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What your favorite WordPress related SaaS tools (tools that are operated from a cloud, even though they may or may not have a companion plugin)?

What your favorite WordPress related SaaS tools (tools that are operated from a cloud, even though they may or may not have a companion plugin)?

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Wondering how ChatGPT can benefit your WordPress site? Explore the exciting possibilities of ChatGPT for WordPress & take best advantages of this AI tool.… #ChatGPT #WordPress #AI

Wondering how ChatGPT can benefit your WordPress site? Explore the exciting possibilities of ChatGPT for WordPress & take best advantages of this AI tool.… #ChatGPT #WordPress #AI

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During our company update last week, @jdevalk shared something that made everyone in the room gasp: ChatGPT apparently uses the same amount of electricity as 175,000 people in a month!

During our company update last week, @jdevalk shared something that made everyone in the room gasp: ChatGPT apparently uses the same amount of electricity as 175,000 people in a month!

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Ugh. Had a @wpengine free account given during their early early days. It’s been amazing. But then things changed as they always do. Now I’m paying $100 for a 50k impressions overage. That’s… a lot. (I think this was due to @CMB2WP)

Ugh. Had a @wpengine free account given during their early early days. It’s been amazing. But then things changed as they always do. Now I’m paying $100 for a 50k impressions overage. That’s… a lot. (I think this was due to @CMB2WP )

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So… I’ve been running a small SEO test on my own image search results. A transparent version of my headshot canonicalizes (with an HTTP canonical header) to its original. This doesn’t seem to do *anything*. Did I do the setup wrong, @johnmu / @methode or are images just not… Show more

So… I’ve been running a small SEO test on my own image search results. A transparent version of my headshot canonicalizes (with an HTTP canonical header) to its original. This doesn’t seem to do *anything*. Did I do the setup wrong, @johnmu / @methode or are images just not… Show more

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Is it worth compressing PNG files before using them on the web? I’d say that’s a resounding “yes”… Check out @tinypng – a tool I use pretty much every day.

Is it worth compressing PNG files before using them on the web? I’d say that’s a resounding “yes”… Check out @tinypng – a tool I use pretty much every day.

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We’ve released version 2.10.0 of @DevKinsta! New Features: Editor for site-level NGINX configuration file Support #PHP 8.2 in DevKinsta Search in the site sync file selector view Download here your free local development tool

We’ve released version 2.10.0 of @DevKinsta ! New Features: Editor for site-level NGINX configuration file Support #PHP 8.2 in DevKinsta Search in the site sync file selector view Download here your free local development tool

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This year’s #DesignInTech outline for @SXSW 2023 is currently: 1/ Design and People, 2/ Digital Transformation and DE$IGN, 3/ From How To Speak Machine To How To Speak Human, 4/ WTH GPT, 5/ Resilience Replayed. March 12 release date is coming all too soon:…

This year’s #DesignInTech outline for @SXSW 2023 is currently: 1/ Design and People, 2/ Digital Transformation and DE$IGN, 3/ From How To Speak Machine To How To Speak Human, 4/ WTH GPT, 5/ Resilience Replayed. March 12 release date is coming all too soon:…

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Hey #WordPress community – let me see your dogs. Curious about what breeds we all have & @kathyzant show off your cute pup!

Hey #WordPress community – let me see your dogs. Curious about what breeds we all have & @kathyzant show off your cute pup!

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A new version of WooCommerce Blocks has been released! Version 9.7.1 is now available for download from GitHub and WordPress.

A new version of WooCommerce Blocks has been released! Version 9.7.1 is now available for download from GitHub and WordPress.

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So @WebDevStudios video beat out @TheWPMinute for the Friday video on (don’t worry like always we update the video). WebDev’s video is here if you want to go directly:… “#WordPress 6.4 All-Female/Nonbinary Squad”

So @WebDevStudios video beat out @TheWPMinute for the Friday video on (don’t worry like always we update the video). WebDev’s video is here if you want to go directly:… “#WordPress 6.4 All-Female/Nonbinary Squad”

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Just pushed the first new release of the core LifterLMS plugin since we’ve gotten involved. Excited to keep pushing now that we have the dev team in motion. Lots of backend style updates in this one from @colemank83. Updates to the .org readme too.

Just pushed the first new release of the core LifterLMS plugin since we’ve gotten involved. Excited to keep pushing now that we have the dev team in motion. Lots of backend style updates in this one from @colemank83 . Updates to the .org readme too.

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Proud to have worked with Plan International, a global children’s charity that works to advance children’s rights and equality for girls to smoothly migrate them from Drupal to WordPress.…

Proud to have worked with Plan International, a global children’s charity that works to advance children’s rights and equality for girls to smoothly migrate them from Drupal to WordPress.…

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The Most Light-hearted, Funny, Silly #WordPress Plugins That You Probably Haven’t Heard Of (Yet)…

The Most Light-hearted, Funny, Silly #WordPress Plugins That You Probably Haven’t Heard Of (Yet)…

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Just finished another amazing episode of the WordPress Friday Hangout! We discussed the history & importance of the all female/nonbinary release as well as diversification in tech. Extremely important topic and I’m glad to see WordPress leading the charge!

Just finished another amazing episode of the WordPress Friday Hangout! We discussed the history & importance of the all female/nonbinary release as well as diversification in tech. Extremely important topic and I’m glad to see WordPress leading the charge!

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One open source project implementing something doesn’t disqualify another open source project from attempting to do the same. This is a collaborative effort, not a game of Monopoly.

One open source project implementing something doesn’t disqualify another open source project from attempting to do the same. This is a collaborative effort, not a game of Monopoly.

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Great to see ACF make the @TheTorqueMag Plugin Madness again this year. If you love @wp_acf, drop it a vote!

Great to see ACF make the @TheTorqueMag Plugin Madness again this year. If you love @wp_acf , drop it a vote!

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As a WordPress agency owner, what do you think you’re missing out on from @gravityforms?

As a WordPress agency owner, what do you think you’re missing out on from @gravityforms ?

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The @AwesomeMotive Mastermind Love brainstorming with this amazing group of founders and GMs of our various software companies

The @AwesomeMotive Mastermind Love brainstorming with this amazing group of founders and GMs of our various software companies

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Today we released a security update to Yoast SEO. We recommend that everyone updates to the latest version. When @wordfence recently found a vulnerability in another SEO plugin, we found a similar (but less severe) issue in our own code. We patched it immediately.

Today we released a security update to Yoast SEO. We recommend that everyone updates to the latest version. When @wordfence recently found a vulnerability in another SEO plugin, we found a similar (but less severe) issue in our own code. We patched it immediately.

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Hear from WC Vendors founder, Jamie Madden (@dcwhatwhat) about how WordPress developers can build MVPs in hours using @gravityforms and GravityKit! #WordPress #development

Hear from WC Vendors founder, Jamie Madden ( @dcwhatwhat ) about how WordPress developers can build MVPs in hours using @gravityforms and GravityKit! #WordPress #development

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Looking for excellent examples of #WordPressBlocks – not the usual bundles, but deep integration for a single purpose. Something like from @nickmdiego. Any cool examples you know of?

Looking for excellent examples of #WordPressBlocks – not the usual bundles, but deep integration for a single purpose. Something like from @nickmdiego . Any cool examples you know of?

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How to use ChatGPT to write a great article in three steps: 1. Ask ChatGPT to write an article about a topic. 2. Note all your nuances and disagreements. 3. Turn those nuances & disagreements into an article.

How to use ChatGPT to write a great article in three steps: 1. Ask ChatGPT to write an article about a topic. 2. Note all your nuances and disagreements. 3. Turn those nuances & disagreements into an article.

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