Just updated version 1.3.1 https://wordpress.org/plugins/simple-html-rich-text-for-block-editor/… to use modern #WordPress scripts build. Will drop a video of how I did it soon.

Just updated version 1.3.1 https://wordpress.org/plugins/simple-html-rich-text-for-block-editor/… to use modern #WordPress scripts build. Will drop a video of how I did it soon.

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Agree with Eric’s outline here of the challenges higher-ed institutions face working with proprietary platforms and the benefits of working with an open source option like WordPress or Drupal and we’ve seen this directly with our higher-ed clients.

Agree with Eric’s outline here of the challenges higher-ed institutions face working with proprietary platforms and the benefits of working with an open source option like WordPress or Drupal and we’ve seen this directly with our higher-ed clients.

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An argument could be made that jQuery is part of the problem. So many folks got used to jQuery syntax without learning JavaScript first. Meanwhile JavaScript evolved, and caught some folks by surprise.

An argument could be made that jQuery is part of the problem. So many folks got used to jQuery syntax without learning JavaScript first. Meanwhile JavaScript evolved, and caught some folks by surprise.

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We created a Spotify playlist at @webdevstudios that includes every major WordPress release jazz musician! Seems relevant

We created a Spotify playlist at @webdevstudios that includes every major WordPress release jazz musician! Seems relevant

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This is worth watching It’s a WordPress core feature that you normally only get with a big, heavy page-builder plugin:

This is worth watching It’s a WordPress core feature that you normally only get with a big, heavy page-builder plugin:

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I spent some time yesterday ideating on new patterns for @frostwp. Full-page patterns are fascinating when you consider that since #WordPress 6.0, a modal is available to users for adding these when creating a page. Watch how easy it is to have an editable content page with one… Show more

I spent some time yesterday ideating on new patterns for @frostwp . Full-page patterns are fascinating when you consider that since #WordPress 6.0, a modal is available to users for adding these when creating a page. Watch how easy it is to have an editable content page with one… Show more

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Cool, cool. WordPress*org has made 2FA possible for your WordPress(*)org account. Find it here: https://wordpress.org/support/users/profile/edit/account/…

Cool, cool. WordPress*org has made 2FA possible for your WordPress(*)org account. Find it here: https://wordpress.org/support/users/profile/edit/account/…

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Slidedeck of my presentation at WordCamp Asia “Case Study: A #Nocode Contributor Journey On The WordPress Gutenberg GitHub Repo” can be found on Google Slides: https://bit.ly/contribute-wcasia23… #WCAsia (Photo courtesy of @GoDaddyPro)

Slidedeck of my presentation at WordCamp Asia “Case Study: A #Nocode Contributor Journey On The WordPress Gutenberg GitHub Repo” can be found on Google Slides: https://bit.ly/contribute-wcasia23… #WCAsia (Photo courtesy of @GoDaddyPro )

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What makes a good emcee and how do we introduce each other at #WCAsia or any other #WordPress WordCamp? @aaronjorbin has several great posts on this.

What makes a good emcee and how do we introduce each other at #WCAsia or any other #WordPress WordCamp? @aaronjorbin has several great posts on this.

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This is actually insanely cool for a few reasons: – Wicked Block Builder looks very promising – This is maybe the first “video response” we’ve had to @viewsourcefm ? – We all like having guitars in the background of our videos

This is actually insanely cool for a few reasons: – Wicked Block Builder looks very promising – This is maybe the first “video response” we’ve had to @viewsourcefm ? – We all like having guitars in the background of our videos

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Updated Wutsearch launchpad with new features and added search engines: Brave, Gigablast, Right Dao, Infotiger, Alexandria, and Seznam. Choose from 20+ search engines all on one page: https://wutsearch.com Learn more: https://perishablepress.com/wutsearch-search-engine-launchpad/…

Updated Wutsearch launchpad with new features and added search engines: Brave, Gigablast, Right Dao, Infotiger, Alexandria, and Seznam. Choose from 20+ search engines all on one page: https://wutsearch.com Learn more: https://perishablepress.com/wutsearch-search-engine-launchpad/…

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Also, I put together a video showing how a native version of the block you demo-ed can be created using my plugin, Wicked Block Builder.

Also, I put together a video showing how a native version of the block you demo-ed can be created using my plugin, Wicked Block Builder.

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Thank you @wordpress for this #ReleaseNotes haiku.

Thank you @wordpress for this #ReleaseNotes haiku.

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Hey #WCAsia I was able to get some great comments from people on what they loved about WordCamp. But it I missed you, take a minute and share your favorite memory for an upcoming podcast show http://zipmessage.com/dothewoo/wcasia #WCAsia2023

Hey #WCAsia I was able to get some great comments from people on what they loved about WordCamp. But it I missed you, take a minute and share your favorite memory for an upcoming podcast show http://zipmessage.com/dothewoo/wcasia #WCAsia2023

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We did it #WCAsia! With over 100 #MichelleAndMe selfies, I have donated $500 to @aBigOrangeHeart! If you’re inspired to donate, here is the link! https://donate.bigorangeheart.org

We did it #WCAsia! With over 100 #MichelleAndMe selfies, I have donated $500 to @aBigOrangeHeart ! If you’re inspired to donate, here is the link! https://donate.bigorangeheart.org

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WordPress folks! I’m looking for a way to allow a user to select multiple (specific) PDFs from a list and download them as a single zip. Any recommendations? Doc Library Pro looks good, but idk if client wants to pay $99/yr just for that feature. Hoping to bring more options.

WordPress folks! I’m looking for a way to allow a user to select multiple (specific) PDFs from a list and download them as a single zip. Any recommendations? Doc Library Pro looks good, but idk if client wants to pay $99/yr just for that feature. Hoping to bring more options.

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One thing I’ve been missing: an aggregated view of news, posts, and opinion for #WordPress. Looks like @dimensionmedia and @lemonadecode are bringing it back to the people https://wpfront.page

One thing I’ve been missing: an aggregated view of news, posts, and opinion for #WordPress. Looks like @dimensionmedia and @lemonadecode are bringing it back to the people https://wpfront.page

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Is it just me or are WordPress block and page builders severely underpriced and undervalued right now? It feels like a race to the bottom that’s banking purely on volume and not much else. Is there enough of that volume for it to be sustainable?

Is it just me or are WordPress block and page builders severely underpriced and undervalued right now? It feels like a race to the bottom that’s banking purely on volume and not much else. Is there enough of that volume for it to be sustainable?

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Who has created a successful #WordPress (or adjacent) “passive income” product? How do you define success?

Who has created a successful #WordPress (or adjacent) “passive income” product? How do you define success?

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Several JavaScript library authors are doing _extremely_ well with GitHub Sponsors, but they’re also good at organic audience building, self-promotion, etc, which is an art itself.

Several JavaScript library authors are doing _extremely_ well with GitHub Sponsors, but they’re also good at organic audience building, self-promotion, etc, which is an art itself.

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Second time this year we’re building an integration with Amazon’s S3 storage inside a WordPress site. Pretty solid working with the S3 API so far. (I would prefer to move to Cloudflare’s R2, but that’s not possible yet for this project)

Second time this year we’re building an integration with Amazon’s S3 storage inside a WordPress site. Pretty solid working with the S3 API so far. (I would prefer to move to Cloudflare’s R2, but that’s not possible yet for this project)

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What were your favorite moments at @WordCampAsia?! #WordCampAsia #WordCamp #WCAsia

What were your favorite moments at @WordCampAsia ?! #WordCampAsia #WordCamp #WCAsia

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Michelle had an opportunity to chat with @yvettesonneveld from @yoast to talk about @WordCampAsia, sponsorship, and what’s new at Yoast. ~with @michelleames

Michelle had an opportunity to chat with @yvettesonneveld from @yoast to talk about @WordCampAsia , sponsorship, and what’s new at Yoast. ~with @michelleames

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“You’d be amazed how many websites are spitting out content to Google that you wouldn’t want there, like links to your invoices” – @jonoalderson at #YoastMeetup #WCAsia

“You’d be amazed how many websites are spitting out content to Google that you wouldn’t want there, like links to your invoices” – @jonoalderson at #YoastMeetup #WCAsia

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The incentives for plugin devs to do this are decreasing. The incentives for doing the opposite are increasing. And it’s going to be a problem for WP. WP will survive it. But it won’t be the same.

The incentives for plugin devs to do this are decreasing. The incentives for doing the opposite are increasing. And it’s going to be a problem for WP. WP will survive it. But it won’t be the same.

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An afternoon of #gutenberg at our #design #meetup! #a8cmeetup

An afternoon of #gutenberg at our #design #meetup! #a8cmeetup

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Here’s all the GIFs (under 15MB) from @WordCampAsia 2023. You can one each in a new tab for a sligthly larger and more downloadable version. https://davidbisset.com/animated-gifs-from-wordcamp-asia-2023/… #WCAsia

Here’s all the GIFs (under 15MB) from @WordCampAsia 2023. You can one each in a new tab for a sligthly larger and more downloadable version. https://davidbisset.com/animated-gifs-from-wordcamp-asia-2023/… #WCAsia

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Even @photomatt is sponsoring @johnbillion! In fact, it’s the only person he’s sponsoring. Maybe you all should too!

Even @photomatt is sponsoring @johnbillion ! In fact, it’s the only person he’s sponsoring. Maybe you all should too!

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A sneak peak of the photographs we will be publishing from #WCAsia Huge thanks to the Contributor Day Team Leads!

A sneak peak of the photographs we will be publishing from #WCAsia Huge thanks to the Contributor Day Team Leads!

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Behind the scenes of #WCAsia Around 100GB of photography by one photographer Thank you @Next_Season !

Behind the scenes of #WCAsia Around 100GB of photography by one photographer Thank you @Next_Season !

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I finally had a chance to write a few words on this month’s @wpyall. I had a great time and a much lifted boost going into this new year with my business. https://joshuabdunn.com/top-five-things-i-learned-at-wordcamp-birmingham-2023/… #wordcamp #wordpress

I finally had a chance to write a few words on this month’s @wpyall . I had a great time and a much lifted boost going into this new year with my business. https://joshuabdunn.com/top-five-things-i-learned-at-wordcamp-birmingham-2023/… #wordcamp #wordpress

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Typography is so important! Glad that you’re raising awareness in the #WCAsia community Also check out @mbutterick https://practicaltypography.com

Typography is so important! Glad that you’re raising awareness in the #WCAsia community Also check out @mbutterick https://practicaltypography.com

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Dear WP plugins: I am installing you to do a thing, often just ONE thing. I am not installing you to give you my email, spend money on things other than the ONE thing, or do OTHER things. Such terrible user experiences I’ve had just this morning.

Dear WP plugins: I am installing you to do a thing, often just ONE thing. I am not installing you to give you my email, spend money on things other than the ONE thing, or do OTHER things. Such terrible user experiences I’ve had just this morning.

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I could be a good girl and be quiet, but at 50 I’m jumping up and down. I had an in-person meetup 2 weeks ago. Newbies all asked why the meetup didn’t have a WordPress website. They don’t want to join slack, and the convoluted .org Literally our Meetups don’t feature our product

I could be a good girl and be quiet, but at 50 I’m jumping up and down. I had an in-person meetup 2 weeks ago. Newbies all asked why the meetup didn’t have a WordPress website. They don’t want to join slack, and the convoluted .org Literally our Meetups don’t feature our product

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The message is clear non-devs and content creators need not apply. We have no idea how new folks enter or how to communicate with them. Great there is a place to talk about WordCamps, but users, and non-coders stay in your lane we have once again decided you have no place.

The message is clear non-devs and content creators need not apply. We have no idea how new folks enter or how to communicate with them. Great there is a place to talk about WordCamps, but users, and non-coders stay in your lane we have once again decided you have no place.

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Final shot from @WordCampAsia. #WCAsia

Final shot from @WordCampAsia . #WCAsia

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Last but not least, the @WordCampAsia organizers. #WCAsia

Last but not least, the @WordCampAsia organizers. #WCAsia

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Another @WordCampAsia crowd shot. #WCAsia

Another @WordCampAsia crowd shot. #WCAsia

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See you all in Taipei, Taiwan! #WCAsia

See you all in Taipei, Taiwan! #WCAsia

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The next #WCAsia will be in… TAIPEI, TAIWAN! See you there in 2024!

The next #WCAsia will be in… TAIPEI, TAIWAN! See you there in 2024!

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Thank you to the attendees of #WCAsia!

Thank you to the attendees of #WCAsia!

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So very proud of my colleagues @laxmariappan and @jpalmes from @webdevstudios who are among the @WordCampAsia organizers. Incredible job! #WordPress #WCAsia

So very proud of my colleagues @laxmariappan and @jpalmes from @webdevstudios who are among the @WordCampAsia organizers. Incredible job! #WordPress #WCAsia

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So @WordCampAsia comes to a close! Stats: 1,724 registered 1,299 attended 633 contributed 3,185 streamed #WCAsia

So @WordCampAsia comes to a close! Stats: 1,724 registered 1,299 attended 633 contributed 3,185 streamed #WCAsia

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The visual design of #WCAsia has been really stellar. Congrats to the design team who worked on these visual elements. It really felt cohesive and special.

The visual design of #WCAsia has been really stellar. Congrats to the design team who worked on these visual elements. It really felt cohesive and special.

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Thank you @WordCampAsia organizing team and volunteers for putting together an awesome event. Such a great community & energy all around. Solomon loved it too, he doodled many Wappuus and attended few sessions. #prouddad #wcasia #wpkids #WordPress

Thank you @WordCampAsia organizing team and volunteers for putting together an awesome event. Such a great community & energy all around. Solomon loved it too, he doodled many Wappuus and attended few sessions. #prouddad #wcasia #wpkids #WordPress

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True that. But also I believe the right people are not born, but made. You need to hire the right person, and work with them + work on them.

True that. But also I believe the right people are not born, but made. You need to hire the right person, and work with them + work on them.

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Dear @WordCampAsia organizers, Thank you for the opportunity to share my heart with the #WordPress community. And for all the accommodations and concern for my experience here. With much love, Me

Dear @WordCampAsia organizers, Thank you for the opportunity to share my heart with the #WordPress community. And for all the accommodations and concern for my experience here. With much love, Me

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The moment we’ve been waiting for is finally here! In just 5 short minutes, the Ask Matt Anything Session begins! Head over to Hall 1 now and get ready to have all your burning questions answered by Matt. It’s going to be incredible! #WCAsia #AMA

The moment we’ve been waiting for is finally here! In just 5 short minutes, the Ask Matt Anything Session begins! Head over to Hall 1 now and get ready to have all your burning questions answered by Matt. It’s going to be incredible! #WCAsia #AMA

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The virtual #WCAsia AMA with @photomatt will begin in 10 minutes! You can watch from anywhere here —

The virtual #WCAsia AMA with @photomatt will begin in 10 minutes! You can watch from anywhere here —

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In less than 90 minutes there will be a live AMA w/ @photomatt at @WordCampAsia. Here’s the livestream. https://asia.wordcamp.org/2023/livestream/day-1-livestream-track-1/… Here’s the popcorn: #WCAsia

In less than 90 minutes there will be a live AMA w/ @photomatt at @WordCampAsia . Here’s the livestream. https://asia.wordcamp.org/2023/livestream/day-1-livestream-track-1/… Here’s the popcorn: #WCAsia

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Slides for today’s talk at WordCamp Asia are up! #WCAsia

Slides for today’s talk at WordCamp Asia are up! #WCAsia

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.@tdevalk from @yoast at @WordCampAsia – “Don’t A/B Test… you have to make at least two variations of everything you’re doing.” “Focus on improving your product and making sure you’re doing that right because all of this is going to be marginal.” #WCAsia

. @tdevalk from @yoast at @WordCampAsia – “Don’t A/B Test… you have to make at least two variations of everything you’re doing.” “Focus on improving your product and making sure you’re doing that right because all of this is going to be marginal.” #WCAsia

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.@FrancescaMarano at @WordCampAsia on “Start with a strategy… choose topics that are relevant, that the audience finds challenging… make the articles readable, indexable and accessible, with a good, semantic structure.” #WCAsia

. @FrancescaMarano at @WordCampAsia on “Start with a strategy… choose topics that are relevant, that the audience finds challenging… make the articles readable, indexable and accessible, with a good, semantic structure.” #WCAsia

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“@HeroPress is a work of art. And its people are its brush strokes,…like all art, it impacts other people and it grows and it spreads and moves on and on and on and YOU are that art.” @topher1kenobe #WCAsia #WordPress

“ @HeroPress is a work of art. And its people are its brush strokes,…like all art, it impacts other people and it grows and it spreads and moves on and on and on and YOU are that art.” @topher1kenobe #WCAsia #WordPress

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.@topher1kenobe at @WordCampAsia: “…finding joy in the journey, making our own lives better, making other live s better. I think those are some of the successes of @HeroPress, #WordPress.” #WCAsia

. @topher1kenobe at @WordCampAsia : “…finding joy in the journey, making our own lives better, making other live s better. I think those are some of the successes of @HeroPress , #WordPress.” #WCAsia

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Just so happy to be organizing this WordCamp Asia with these awesome women @l3eaver @nukaga @jpalmes #WCAsia

Just so happy to be organizing this WordCamp Asia with these awesome women @l3eaver @nukaga @jpalmes #WCAsia

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Some amazing style of surveys going on at #WCAsia

Some amazing style of surveys going on at #WCAsia

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#WCAsia I don’t know who needs to be told… but the drone needs to die. Yes, they’re using a drone to film in Track 1 and it’s the most distracting and annoying thing ever. I’m here to hear the speakers without them being drowned out and distracted by a drone hovering overhead.

#WCAsia I don’t know who needs to be told… but the drone needs to die. Yes, they’re using a drone to film in Track 1 and it’s the most distracting and annoying thing ever. I’m here to hear the speakers without them being drowned out and distracted by a drone hovering overhead.

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If you’d like to check out my slide deck from my talk at @WordCampAsia Migrating WordPress Core to GitHub Actions: A Retrospective, you’ll find them here:

If you’d like to check out my slide deck from my talk at @WordCampAsia Migrating WordPress Core to GitHub Actions: A Retrospective, you’ll find them here:

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It’s not too late! Find me at the @GoDaddyPro booth tomorrow during day 2 of #WCAsia and get added to the “Faces of WordPress” video

It’s not too late! Find me at the @GoDaddyPro booth tomorrow during day 2 of #WCAsia and get added to the “Faces of WordPress” video

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Having a better and faster workflow to run unit tests on patches is the single biggest quality of life improvement I’ve experienced as a WP committer #WCAsia thank you and everybody else who made this happen, @desrosj

Having a better and faster workflow to run unit tests on patches is the single biggest quality of life improvement I’ve experienced as a WP committer #WCAsia thank you and everybody else who made this happen, @desrosj

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Great resources listed by @allie_nimmons for job seekers in the WordPress space. Lots of non-developers listings! #WCAsia

Great resources listed by @allie_nimmons for job seekers in the WordPress space. Lots of non-developers listings! #WCAsia

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Amir Arabnezhad of @Barn2Plugins lightning talks about “Why 3 Tiers Saves Customer’s Tears.” #WCAsia

Amir Arabnezhad of @Barn2Plugins lightning talks about “Why 3 Tiers Saves Customer’s Tears.” #WCAsia

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Enjoyed @twigpress’ talk about serverless WordPress, running it in AWS lamba. Many of the same file permission and deploy constraints we have with @AltisDXP and @WordPressVIP, but with a very different scaling model #WCAsia

Enjoyed @twigpress ’ talk about serverless WordPress, running it in AWS lamba. Many of the same file permission and deploy constraints we have with @AltisDXP and @WordPressVIP , but with a very different scaling model #WCAsia

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“Don’t advertise. Advertising is buying exposure. I think you can get exposure in better ways.” – @tdevalk #WCAsia

“Don’t advertise. Advertising is buying exposure. I think you can get exposure in better ways.” – @tdevalk #WCAsia

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Advice for companies and #jobseeker by @NewYorkerLaura @WordCampAsia #WCAsia

Advice for companies and #jobseeker by @NewYorkerLaura @WordCampAsia #WCAsia

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#WCAsia Track3 @hidetaka_dev

#WCAsia Track3 @hidetaka_dev

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Unhinged behavior in track 1. @FrancescaMarano #WCAsia

Unhinged behavior in track 1. @FrancescaMarano #WCAsia

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Success stories of @heropress Amazing to be a part of this #WcAsia

Success stories of @heropress Amazing to be a part of this #WcAsia

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I can listen to Topher’s relays of the stories on HeroPress all day long #WordPres #WCAsia #gratitude

I can listen to Topher’s relays of the stories on HeroPress all day long #WordPres #WCAsia #gratitude

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A mini WordPress museum at #WCAsia

A mini WordPress museum at #WCAsia

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Block vs Classic editor! #WCAsia

Block vs Classic editor! #WCAsia

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If you are attending @WordCampAsia, did you notice the #WordPressMuseum? It display many of my old #WordCamp #Swag! Could you guess which one is the oldest? Right answer will get one swag from me during the #WCAsia! *Feel free to share this! Thanks!

If you are attending @WordCampAsia , did you notice the #WordPressMuseum? It display many of my old #WordCamp #Swag! Could you guess which one is the oldest? Right answer will get one swag from me during the #WCAsia! *Feel free to share this! Thanks!

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@DjevaLoperka from @XWP sharing deep insights with amazing #WordPress command line interface tool easing out lives for all the community developers !! Happening Live @ track 3. #WCAsia @WordCampAsia #Bangkok

@DjevaLoperka from @XWP sharing deep insights with amazing #WordPress command line interface tool easing out lives for all the community developers !! Happening Live @ track 3. #WCAsia @WordCampAsia #Bangkok

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Feels like a full circle moment that my first session at the first #WCAsia is from @IdleGazer who is one of my oldest WordPress friends!

Feels like a full circle moment that my first session at the first #WCAsia is from @IdleGazer who is one of my oldest WordPress friends!

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“The third principle of WordCamp Asia is to be experimental. We believe that experimentation and innovation are critical to the success and growth of #WordPress.” #WCAsia

“The third principle of WordCamp Asia is to be experimental. We believe that experimentation and innovation are critical to the success and growth of #WordPress.” #WCAsia

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Opening remarks starting nowってアナウンスがあったので来てみたら、高野さんがメインでしゃべってる。もちろん英語。かっこいい。#WCAsia #wardcamp #WordPress

Opening remarks starting nowってアナウンスがあったので来てみたら、高野さんがメインでしゃべってる。もちろん英語。かっこいい。#WCAsia #wardcamp #WordPress

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Organization of @WordCampAsia were represented from these countries: Bangladesh Hong Kong India bhetan Indonesia Japan Lebanon Malaysia Nepal Pakistan Singapore Taiwan Thailand #WCAsia

Organization of @WordCampAsia were represented from these countries: Bangladesh Hong Kong India bhetan Indonesia Japan Lebanon Malaysia Nepal Pakistan Singapore Taiwan Thailand #WCAsia

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#WCAsia opening remarks

#WCAsia opening remarks

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Getting ready for #wcasia to kick off!

Getting ready for #wcasia to kick off!

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The room is filling up nicely for the opening ceremony! #WCAsia

The room is filling up nicely for the opening ceremony! #WCAsia

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Wapuu girls #WCAsia #themespark

Wapuu girls #WCAsia #themespark

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Armchair WordCampers: here are the @WordCampAsia livestreams and opening remarks are in about an hour: Track 1: https://asia.wordcamp.org/2023/livestream/day-1-livestream-track-1/… Track 2: https://asia.wordcamp.org/2023/livestream/day-1-livestream-track-2/… Track 3: https://asia.wordcamp.org/2023/livestream/day-1-livestream-track-3/… #WordPress

Armchair WordCampers: here are the @WordCampAsia livestreams and opening remarks are in about an hour: Track 1: https://asia.wordcamp.org/2023/livestream/day-1-livestream-track-1/… Track 2: https://asia.wordcamp.org/2023/livestream/day-1-livestream-track-2/… Track 3: https://asia.wordcamp.org/2023/livestream/day-1-livestream-track-3/… #WordPress

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Let this be a challenge to you, #WCUS. The global community is one of WordPress’s greatest strengths, and this table is sadly empty at too many American WordCamps #WCAsia

Let this be a challenge to you, #WCUS. The global community is one of WordPress’s greatest strengths, and this table is sadly empty at too many American WordCamps #WCAsia

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Well, I decided to try and generate a quickie #WordPress plugin with ChatGPT. I’ll be darned – it did the job. The goal was to build a dashboard widget that could be customized via a settings page. The tool returned a simple plugin. Then I asked a follow up question… 1/2

Well, I decided to try and generate a quickie #WordPress plugin with ChatGPT. I’ll be darned – it did the job. The goal was to build a dashboard widget that could be customized via a settings page. The tool returned a simple plugin. Then I asked a follow up question… 1/2

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REMOTE WORK: POSITIONS AND HIRING PROCESS https://felipeelia.dev/remote-work-positions-and-hiring-process/… See tips on places where to find remote work positions and things about the hiring process I wish someone told me before! #career #dev #hr #jobs #WordPress #wp

REMOTE WORK: POSITIONS AND HIRING PROCESS https://felipeelia.dev/remote-work-positions-and-hiring-process/… See tips on places where to find remote work positions and things about the hiring process I wish someone told me before! #career #dev #hr #jobs #WordPress #wp

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16 of the best WordPress job boards to help you get hired.

16 of the best WordPress job boards to help you get hired.

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What have you been working on this week? Drop a link and I’ll leave feedback for ya.

What have you been working on this week? Drop a link and I’ll leave feedback for ya.

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WordPress started as a hobby for @RobbyMcCullough eventually became the birthplace of @BeaverBuilder. Read his full WP Story:

WordPress started as a hobby for @RobbyMcCullough eventually became the birthplace of @BeaverBuilder . Read his full WP Story:

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I’ve had so many conversations around AI already at #WCAsia. The question I got asked multiple times, is AI content bad for SEO? @GoodPlanSam just wrote part of the answer, I think.

I’ve had so many conversations around AI already at #WCAsia. The question I got asked multiple times, is AI content bad for SEO? @GoodPlanSam just wrote part of the answer, I think.

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It’s official, today is my last day at @wpengine. Such an amazing experience. I couldn’t have asked for a better team, and I’m so proud of our work in DevRel. For now, I plan to take some time off, tinker on a few blocks, and work on #WordPress 6.2. Excited for the future!

It’s official, today is my last day at @wpengine . Such an amazing experience. I couldn’t have asked for a better team, and I’m so proud of our work in DevRel. For now, I plan to take some time off, tinker on a few blocks, and work on #WordPress 6.2. Excited for the future!

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*refreshes #WCAsia* #FOMO In issue #158:  @WordCampAsia is in full swing! @teamwp_ launches first engagement survey for #WordPress teams @alexleestine303 raises accessibility issues with @WPOpenverse site + what’s inspiring @SteveJBurge in #WPCommunityFeels

*refreshes #WCAsia* #FOMO In issue #158:   @WordCampAsia is in full swing! @teamwp_ launches first engagement survey for #WordPress teams @alexleestine303 raises accessibility issues with @WPOpenverse site + what’s inspiring @SteveJBurge in #WPCommunityFeels

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Stackable introduces new Horizontal Scroller & Countdown #Gutenberg blocks https://lttr.ai/8Sgz #WordPress

Stackable introduces new Horizontal Scroller & Countdown #Gutenberg blocks https://lttr.ai/8Sgz #WordPress

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Conductor Day Group Photos #WCAsia

Conductor Day Group Photos #WCAsia

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I built a custom one! It’s a Gutenberg block that runs CodeMirror as an editor and PHP.wasm from WordPress Playground to run the code. I will publish it once it’s reusable. For now it’s mostly duct tape :-)

I built a custom one! It’s a Gutenberg block that runs CodeMirror as an editor and PHP.wasm from WordPress Playground to run the code. I will publish it once it’s reusable. For now it’s mostly duct tape 🙂

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Wow.. the booths are really awesome. #WCASIA2023 #WCAsia #WordPress @WPManageNinja @elemntor @WooCommerce

Wow.. the booths are really awesome. #WCASIA2023 #WCAsia #WordPress @WPManageNinja @elemntor @WooCommerce

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More than 40 people translating in 18 languages today at the Polyglots table of #WCAsia contributor day in Bangkok. Amazing turnout! Thank you, lovely people, for helping us to make #WordPress global

More than 40 people translating in 18 languages today at the Polyglots table of #WCAsia contributor day in Bangkok. Amazing turnout! Thank you, lovely people, for helping us to make #WordPress global

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Are you attending @WordCampAsia (either in-person or virtually)?! Reply in the comments & let us know where home is for you #WCAsia #WordCampAsia

Are you attending @WordCampAsia (either in-person or virtually)?! Reply in the comments & let us know where home is for you #WCAsia #WordCampAsia

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